Writing careers that pay well. The 20 Highest Paying Careers in the World

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You can find lots of writing communities on social media as well as other places online. Some are free and open to everybody, while others are industry- and niche-specific and may require membership dues. You can also find in-person writing groups through platforms like . Here's a news flash: Good jobs for writers really do exist. You can parlay your love of the written word into a paying gig. The truth is that the technology, media, entertainment, public relations, marketing, publishing, and advertising industries all need people who can craft high-quality content. The range of possible writing careers is far broader than you might expect. Good writers usually make good editors. After all, theyre skilled at developing pitches and writing clear, concise, comprehensible copy. Now, instead of coming up with those ideas and creating that copy themselves, they typically delegate these tasks to a team of writers and then refine the end project.

Similar to the content writer position, many companies have official blogs they need people to write for. You may also consider going your own way,turning your blogging hobby into a career.

Responsible for protecting and securing a companies IT infrastructure and networks, from things like malware and hackers, IT managers usually have a broad understanding of computing as well as a particular specialism. If youre passionate about fitness and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, becoming a personal trainer can be a flexible and rewarding career option to pursue. Some personal trainer certifications can take as little as three to four months to complete. Once certified, you can start picking up clients and carve out a niche for yourself. Successful personal trainers often utilize social media to promote themselves and land celebrity clients. Once established in the industry, you can start charging high hourly rates for your services. Whether you focus on TV, radio, print, or the Web (or more likely a combination of those), you will spend much of your time as a journalist searching out newsworthy information and turning your findings into articles, scripts, and podcasts.

Ellen Langer, Ph. D. , a psychology professor at Harvard University, has studied mindfulness (the act of actively noticing new things) for more than 35 years. Shes written nearly a dozen books and more than 200 articles on the subject. Recently, she shared her thoughts on why mindfulness is crucial in life with Alison Beard, senior editor of the Harvard Business Review. Here are a few tips for how to be more mindful at work and in life: This profession is known to include a lot of long hours and overtime, however, the rewards for all that hard work can pay off quite nicely, in the form of a comfortable salary, stock options and bonuses. If you can write fluently in more than one language, you can seek work as a translator. And you may not have to look far to find opportunities: Employment in this field is expected to grow 19 percent between 2018 and 2028. You could work in areas like law, healthcare, publishing, and education. You need meticulous attention to detail to do this kind of work. Just remember: It won't be your job to make changes to (or improve upon) the text. Photographers can showcase their talent and skills in various industries. For example, fashion, sports, concerts, commercial, industrial, wedding, food, and travel. Depending on your interests and capabilities, you can venture into many different niches as a freelance photographer.

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Most journalists start with entry-level writing jobs as general reporters, but with experience you could work your way into a niche like sports, business, science, or the arts. News can break anywhere, anytime, so be prepared for a non-traditional schedule. If this sounds like an interesting career path for you, then youre going to need to get yourself either a Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) or a Doctor of Medicine (DMD) to qualify yourself to practice. Youll also need a bachelors degree of some kind to qualify for dental school. Interested in other common ways to pay off debt and stay on top of your finance management? First off, you should always check your direct debits and see if you can cut out any service(s) youre no longer using. You may be surprised to find old direct debit payments that are long overdue for a cancellation. Likewise, you can reduce your outgoings by summarizing your financial situation. In addition, technical writers have great job prospects. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the demand for technical writers is expected to grow 10 by 2024, which is faster than the average for all occupations. No matter what kind of writing youre doing, Grammarly catches issues with punctuation, grammar and syntax mistakes, and tone inconsistencies.

Writing careers that pay well - When someone says, Learn this so its second nature, let a bell go off in your head, because that means mindlessness, Langer told the Harvard Business Review. The rules you were given were the rules that worked for the person who created them. When youre mindful, rules, routines, and goals guide you; they dont govern you, she said.

If youve always been interested in taking photos, consider trying it out professionally. If youre that one person at a party whos always getting creative with the mixed drinks, you might want to be a bartender. Youll want to study how to make some popular drinks before applying, and some jobs might require you to have a food handler's permit or bartending license. These are pretty easy to obtain though, and soon youll be on your way to mixing the best drinks in the Bay.

Columnists are basically unshackled reporters: They're paid to give a subjective opinion on current events. As a columnist, you're expected to offer persuasive and reasoned opinions and perspectives on anything from city council's latest traffic bylaw to the current state of the U. S. economy. Many columnists also write books or serve as experts on radio and TV talk shows. You need several years of experience in your niche (e. g. , politics, humor, fashion, sports, whatever) to be considered for a columnist role. Being a ghostwriter has a lot to do with luck and connections, but the internet has made it a bit easier to break into this profession than it once was. If youre interested in writing for somebody else, youll want to have a body of writing work to show for yourself first.

A mindfulness expert reflects on more than 35 years of research, finding we perform better when we turn off the auto-pilot.

writing careers that pay well

In this day and age, one of the most effective ways to prove a businesss credibility is through establishing a strong online presence and having a well-designed website. According to the BLS, the employment of web designers and web developers is projected to grow 8 percent from 2019 to 2029, which is relatively faster than other careers and industries. If building websites is your passion, consider making it your career and even start your own web design business. If freelance is more of your thing, stick to making your own cards by opening a shop with Etsy or Shopify. By doing it this way, youll have a lot more creative control and do so on your own schedule.

Technical writers help readers understand how a product works. Manuals, project plans, and online help are all part of it, so it's a job that varies a lot and doesn't require you to develop a voice prior. Engineers, scientists, and other professionals may be involved, but you'll do all the heavy lifting when it comes to the proofreading, editing, formatting, and delivery.

Join your local party chapter, assist with elections, volunteer for a campaign, or join a social organization that interacts with s also a good idea to build an audience and master your voice with a blog or website. If you like talking about political issues, write about them! Who knows, your favorite politician might even read them.


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