2 Interpreting the French Revolution by François Furet
A really interesting summary of the French Revolution from start to finish. I have always known that it was much more complicated than we ever learned from school or Hollywood but could never face one of those hefty histories crammed with so much bloodletting. Thank you James for your scholarly narrative that has put the whole saga into perspective for me. Voted up, of course, and interesting. I think in this regard it may just be a handy exemplar of historical events generally. Whats so striking about the French Revolution is that events unfold over a sufficiently long period of time that people can get a sense of how it is that events unfold in an unpredictable fashion. People study it, in part, because it is a kind of laboratory model of the really striking event and it takes place over years, instead of being condensed in time the way more recent revolutions, perhaps, are. A grant writing can be defined as writing in which details of how an amount of money that is given to someone by a government, a company, etc. is used for a certain purpose. A grant wiring can be for anything, like scientific research, experiments, defense grants, etc. What the revolution showed is that it would, in future, be impossible to ignore the vast mass of the people. There will be many solutions to that problem. Some of those solutions wont be so great. One could argue that fascism and communism are both different answers to, What do you do about incorporating the mass of the people into the polity? But representative forms of government will also be one very important example. The French dont invent that. The United States is developing it also. But the revolution shows that governments are going to ignore this at their peril.
Dr Josephe-Ignace Guillotin did not invent the guillotine. It was invented by his friend Antoine Louis. Dr Guillotin was the simply the man who persuaded the revolutionaries to use the guillotine, something he promoted as a more humanitarian execution machine. Most people mistakenly believed he had invented it and so he became an eponym. The people of France chose the darkness rather than the light. The nation was therefore to reap the results of this course. The restraint of God's Spirit was removed from a people who despised His grace. Evil was permitted to come to full maturity. And the entire world stood witness to the fruit of willful rejection of the light. Cagliostro was an occultist, magician, forge, and swindler who was initiated into Illuminati in 1783. He was entrusted with the mission of disseminating radical ideas across Europe to prepare the ground for the French Revolution. At the end of his tour he went to France and became a Jacobin. Jesus Christ was declared to be an imposter. The French infidels rallying cry was "Crush the Wretch," meaning Christ. Blasphemy and abominable wickedness, cruelty and vice, were now on full display. The worship of God was abolished by the National Assembly.
French revolution writers - Secondly, I am not certain of the extent of involvement by the Illuminati. Normally I am very skeptical of such a thing but in reading some evidence that was new to me recently my opinion was swayed to the side of believing they might have had something to do with it.
Bibles were collected and publicly burned. Baptism and Communion were expressly banned. The only religious worship allowed was worship of the State, in which was encouraged revelry and blasphemy. The men who gained power did not have mature political talent. Two distinct types of ability are needed to govern wellpolitical skill and a grasp of good administration. Political skill is sensing what can be done and how to move others to want it. Perhaps one in twenty men has this ability, but even then most candidates are incapable of administration, which is to keep order when the world tends to disorder. The Illuminists claimed that their revolution would be for the benefit of the common man, but in reality, the conspirators held up the food supplies and blocked all reforms in the National Assembly to exacerbate the situationwhile the common man starved. France lifted its hand in open rebellion against the Author of the universe and became the first state in world history to issue a decree through its Legislative Assembly that pronounced there is no God. A state of moral debasement followed. Prior to revolution, in the eyes of many Enlightenment thinkers, womens biological differences marked them as second to men in the natural order.
Yes. Tocquevilles book had an incredibly wide influence in a variety of fields, with a variety of readerships. Furets book, on the other hand, was very much a book for people who already knew something about the subject. It had a staggering impact on the way historians viewed the French Revolution, because he was an extremely effective polemicist. The opening essay in this book, The Revolutionary Catechism, is just devastating and no other approach would probably have had the decisive impact it had. Thanks for the thumbs up and useful, friend. You do have a point about the American Revolution. My recollections of Russian history are that the clergy there served the people pretty well. Even after being outlawed for seventy years the Russian people still had a deep love for the Orthodox Church. Pretty amazing, methinks. And I do not recall that "the people" ever wanted to abolish the Church in Russia, only those few dozen atheists, the Bolshevik insiders did because Marx had taught them that the only way to have a communist state is if the State has no competition, so out goes the Church, as well as the Family. James I like your review very much. Illuminates came from Bavaria (Germany as you mentioned). In Germany they became not welcome so they hidden to Mason Lodge.
They were expected to submit to their fathers and husbands, and while some minds of the day, including philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau, thought that women should have the right to some education, this should be focused on caring and educating children as women differed from men in their natural rights. The Non-Profit Organisation Sample Grant Writing template is one of the best solutions to write, frame, and publish/send impactful grant letters for raising funds or charities to support a common cause. All these templates can be great use while asking someone for funding your project, requesting charity or donations from NGO members, and announcing a big event or gathering that requires ones presence. The template is designed in segments and blank fields that you can use to define your organizations mission, vision, cause of writing the letter, your address and contact details, and the receivers address and contact info. The medieval era in Europe lasted a millennium and saw massive social change and technological innovation, as well as calamities like the Black Death. That makes it a great period for historical fiction, offering a glimpse of a past that was very different from our own lives, and yet can resonate with the present.
They were welcome in France. They are crib of communism. There goal is: 1. Distribution of wealth, 2. Eliminating states (One World Government) 3. Eliminating religion 4. Eliminating family 5. Using women to their purpose. I am glad, James, you broadened my information. Only God can help us to stay in freedom. I urge people with normal mind to consider: 2Ch 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. This kind of division of opinion exists for all the major revolutions, in part because of the influence of this Tocquevillean analysis, which is that you have a style of ruling, and its very hard to change it. But caffeine has also been a victim of the productivity it has enabled. Industrial growth and pollution has led to climate change, which is now severely affecting finicky coffee plants. Some estimate that by 2050, roughly half of the area used to grow coffee will no longer be conducive to the crops. Christians from the Vendee regiona "Catholic Army of Saints"rose up against the Atheist government armed with only pitchforks and scythes. What ensued was a civil war of three years that included 21 pitched battles. The Christians actually won about five of these fights.
That is hardly what would qualify as "poor" in the world or even in the recent past in our own country. What it truly means is that some people are "poorer" than others. Relative to others, some are poor. This results in the great sibling sins of envy and covetousness. It results from thinking it is "unfair" that some have more than others. This is the great progressive bugaboo that makes their thinking latent communism. Voltaire's popular philosophic works took the form of the short stories Micromégas (1752) and Plato's Dream (1756), as well as the famed satirical novella Candide (1759), which is considered Voltaire's greatest work. Candide is filled with philosophical and religious parody, and in the end the characters reject optimism. There is great debate on whether Voltaire was making an actual statement about embracing a pessimistic philosophy or if he was trying to encourage people to be actively involved to improve society. Voltaire wrote poetry and plays, as well as historical and philosophical works. His most well-known poetry includes The Henriade (1723) and The Maid of Orleans, which he started writing in 1730 but never fully completed. Old albion Thank you for taking the time to read my Hub, Graham. You know that I appreciate the Voted up and all. I am also glad to read that you like the pictures. I hope I didn't run on too long. I whacked a few hundred words right at the end before I hit the "publish" button. Thanks again for your patience and your kind compliments.