Setting up Social Networking Accounts
There are more than 300 active social-networking sites, and each one has a slightly different process for creating a profile. However, the profile's function is always the same. It's the image of yourself that you present to the online world. This, of course, has its advantages and disadvantages. There are many relationships that make up social networks, and it's natural that some people in your network will be more closely related to you than others. Sociologists identify two major types of relationships in social networks: strong ties and weak ties. Examples of strong ties could be family, close friends and immediate co-workers, while weak ties could be a childhood friend you haven't seen in 10 years, the clerk at the bookstore or a classmate with whom you don't hang out very often [source: BT Technology Journal]. A social network is a social structure that maps out the relationships between individuals. Technically we all belong to one giant social network, but we also belong to smaller, tighter social networks defined by our families, our friends, where we live, where we work, where we went to school, our hobbies and interests and much more.
Social networking paper - Much of the movie focuses on the friendship between Zuckerberg and Saverin, which doesnt become entirely clear how important that relationship is until late in the movie. The friendship becomes one of the main plot elements, so I wont spoil it, but it is handled very well. Garfield plays Saverin as a likeable guy who attempts to be friends, then partners with Zuckerberg, but is overshadowed by events that move at a lightning pace. If there is a single hero in the movie, it would be Saverin, who comes across as an honorable guy that ends up at odds with Zuckerberg. The depiction is not quite historically accurate, but for the film it is necessary to bring a satisfying conclusion to the movie, and it works well.
The Social Network is a masterpiece on many levels. It is one of those movies that will have the rare appeal to a wide audience, and still be deep enough to satisfy even the most intense film critics. There really are no flaws in the movie. Maybe the subject material will not appeal to you, and maybe you are so familiar with the real events that the slightly bastardized version of events will turn you off, but the movie can very honestly be called art. John W. Whitehead once said, Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see. This is very much true, and we are a church committed to our children. We understand that it is important to train up children in a Godly manner. Social Web Chari N. Clayton INF103 Catherine Doughty 12/16/2010 Social Web The Social Web is so changing and is expanding each and every day. From online education to Social networking, Social Web has become a part of everyones life some way, somehow. We are now able to share websites, share photos, and use Social networking as a friend locating tool, free of charge. With all of the options and choices we have available, we can do just about any day-to-day function if we have a Interestingly, the original six degrees experiment, conducted by social psychologist Stanley Milgram in the 1960s, has been criticized as an academic "urban myth.
Social capital is the "resources accumulated through the relationships among people" [source: Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication]. These resources can come in several forms. There are a few moments where the needs of the film outweigh the truth of the real story, but they are understandable, and there is never a moment that people familiar with the real events will roll their eyes in dismay. From start to finish the movie is shockingly good, and it is in many ways a masterpiece. Wireless technology is key to networked individualism. Cell phones, BlackBerries and laptop computers give us greater mobility and connectivity than ever before. We can go and be wherever we want, yet we're always online. You can also make connections by searching the social-networking site for people you know who are already members. Search capabilities differ from site to site, but some ways to search for friends are by: Each role is cast exceedingly well, and it is possible, maybe even likely that most of the stars of this film will go on to become big stars. Eisenberg is already on his way, and Garfield will soon be thrust into the public spotlight when he takes over the mantle of Spider-Man in 2012. Hammer, who plays both Winklevoss twins is also poised to make a name for himself, and the supporting cast under the careful eye of David Fincher, all turn in fine performances.
Different social-networking sites promote different types of
interactions and activities. To understand why people use
social-networking sites, it's helpful to first break down these
sites into some general categories. The motto of this
organization is the We have been saved to serve. The Pentecostal
Young Peoples Association (PYPA) aims to provide the youth with a
platform to realize their energy and talents in their service of
the Lord. Another emerging trend is to "build your own" social
network. Web sites like Ning and allow anyone to create or join
stand-alone social networks built around specific themes or
interests. Companies can use these sites to build social networks
around their brand, or individuals can build more tightly focused
communities than on the larger social-networking sites. There's
no longer a need for the office- or home-based network that
reaches out to the larger network. The individual floats freely
through his world, joining or creating online social networks
when and as he needs them. And, we do need them. In a 2004
survey, 60 million Americans said they'd used the Internet in the
past two years to help make an important life decision [source:
Pew Internet & American Life Project]. Examples of these
decisions were: Social Networks as Social Capital
Social networks are important because they give us social
After you've exhausted your friend's connections, you can start looking for people who have similar hobbies and interests. Social-networking sites allow people to easily create or join groups built around a theme. The possibilities are literally endless. There are groups for bicycle enthusiasts: bicycle enthusiasts in Belfast, unicycle enthusiasts in Belfast, unicycle enthusiasts in Belfast who like breakfast, and so on. There is a lot of credit to spread around for making this film a success, and some of that credit must also go to Aaron Sorkins script. As with most of Sorkins work, there is heavy emphasis on the dialogue. With the inclusion of the lawsuits, there are a few moments that could have been easily overdone, but it all comes together. One example is during a moment at the deposition with the Winklevoss twins, when Zuckerberg verbally spars with the opposing lawyer and the plaintiffs. If handled badly it would have been laughably bad, but Eisenberg turns Sorkins words into well aimed missiles that hit their targets perfectly. Your relationship to others in the social network can be measured by degrees of separation. Your friend is one degree of separation away from you. Your friend's friend is two degrees of separation away from you, and so on. On most social-networking sites, you can control who can view your full profile. On some sites, only "friends," or people who you've added to your network can see all the information on your profile, while others can only see your photo and some basic stats like your age and location.