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We are , native English professional writers. We hold graduate and professional degrees from major universities (Princeton, Stanford, UCLA,Georgetown, Dartmouth, Penn, Northwestern). This is all that we do. We are accountable to our clients, and are proud to serve their needs on a return customerbasis. For the arguments of those who support agency roles for women in the period, as well as, supportive of the Renaissance positively affecting women, the discussion turns to Pamela Benson, Stanley Chojnacki, George McClure, Caroline Murphy, and Sarah Ross. As the field grows, most now look at the period as ambiguous, which acknowledges the many advances women gained Fashion materials and design are more tangible subject matters. Some workable examples may include references to technology, construction methods and mediums and may use illustrations and sketches to add visual impact.
About the mid-fourteenth century in Italy, people realized that the essential values of the Middle Ages no longer suited an environment that was increasingly urban, secular, mercantile, and educated. In particular, city-states, such as Florence and Venice, required a new perspective that validated the lives of the wealthy merchants who governed their communities. The result was a renewed self-confidence among Europeans that included a reinforced belief in the power of human beings to comprehend nature. Practical experiments resulted from this belief: science presupposes the validity of human observation and the ability to interpret it. Newly discovered plants and animals from outside Europe could be depicted through exact illustrations made possible by the Renaissance tradition of naturalism in art; skills such as reliable cartography for navigation were facilitated by related concepts such as linear perspective.
Renaissance research paper topics - Writing about the history of fashion may provide focus on a specific type of clothing over a particular time period. A research paper on fashion history compares and contrasts a type or style of clothing and determines how previous decades have influenced future fashion trends.
Other Italian cities benefited economically as well, again driven by the vast explosion of money available as a result of trade. Florence was not a seaport but produced the finest woolen cloth in Europe, a product greatly sought by luxury-loving northern Europeans. The huge profits from this trade permitted Florentine merchants to increase their wealth by lending surplus capital at interest, that is, to become bankers as well as merchants. Their banks gave the Italians a virtual monopoly over the money markets of Europe from the twelfth to the beginning of the sixteenth century. A direct consequence of this monopoly was the introduction of stable gold coins that could be used as reliable tender, free from the wild fluctuations of most medieval European coinage. The Florentines introduced the florin in the 1250s; the Venetians introduced the ducat in 1282. These currencies proceeded to dominate the economies of Europe for the next 250 years. Hopefully, these examples will help you understand the writing process for a research paper. If you still require help writing your paper, you can hire a professional writing service. For high-quality and affordable help, contact . You can buy well-written yet cheap research papers by contacting our expert and professional writers. This wealth precipitated social and political problems, however.
Merchants did not fit easily into the medieval worldview in which the clergy cared for souls and the landed nobility provided security and government. Tensions arose between the newly wealthy urban merchantswho were educated laymen but not nobleand the traditional ruling elite of the nobility. Venice escaped these tensions because it was surrounded by water with no landed territory dominated by nobles to cause friction; but Florence during the thirteenth century entered a period of great turmoil. The nobles resented the wealth and influence of those whom they considered to be their social inferiors, while the mercantile elite grew increasingly resentful of their lack of political control. The city became a battleground between the old and new elites, a division made more vicious because it was characterized by contemporaries as an ideological struggle between those who supported the sovereignty of the Holy Roman Empire in Italy (the Ghibellines) and those whose allegiance was to the pope (the Guelfs). The former were generally old noble, landed families; the latter were generally newly enriched families who benefited from recent social mobility and the new mercantile economy. The Renaissance was a period defined less by a span of time than by the application of certain ideas to almost every aspect of life.
Arionna Swann Mr. Noble Honors English 1 5 December 2014 Renaissance Age The Renaissance was a time when human kind began to rise from the middle ages. During this time, scholars began to create ideas for themselves off of ancient philosophers. During the Renaissance, or "Rebirth, there were many historical and artistic issues that informed and shaped the views in Italian and Northern European art. However, this essay will involve the life of the commoners, popular musical instruments they played and what a rapier was and its usage in a duel. The first one Ill explain is the life of the commoners. View sample Renaissance research paper. Browse other research paper examples and check the list of history research paper topics for more inspiration. If you need a history research paper written according to all the academic standards, you can always turn to our experienced writers for help. This is how your paper can get an A! Feel free to contact our custom writing service for professional assistance. We offer high-quality assignments for reasonable rates. Drawings, and painted portraits. Important architecture of this period includes the Landshut Residence, Heidelberg Castle and the Town Hall in Augsburg. The French Renaissance was the cultural and artistic movement in France between the 15th and early 17th centuries. The period is associated with the pan-European Renaissance, a word firstly used by the French historian Jules Michelet to define the artistic and cultural "rebirth" of Europe. Notable developments during the French Renaissance include the spread of humanism, early exploration of the "New World" (as New France by Giovanni da Verrazzano and Jacques Cartier); the development of new techniques and artistic forms in the fields of printing, architecture, painting, sculpture, music, the sciences and literature; and the elaboration of new codes of sociability, etiquette and Specific demographics within society are also interesting fashion-related topics. When discussing children's fashion, a study of fairy tales, colors and concepts can bring out some interesting points of discussion. Possible areas of discourse include factors that must be taken into consideration when designing for children and discerning what is age-appropriate.