Racial Profiling Essay: Argumentative & Persuasive Writing Tips.

Racial Profiling Essay Sample: A Sort Of Discretion Or Safety?

The best study I know is OpenPolicing. It disproves your idea that there is widespread racial bias in policing. It finds either no bias against African Americans, or only a small bias in some jurisdictions (that may have rational causes). Moreover, in spite of the fact that the activists of the anti-racial communities protest against them, police complain that the relentless reporting on profiling obscures what they consider to be an irrefutable fact: It works. The policemen do not understand why racial profiling has a negative meaning as while trying to catch the crime or to find some suspects, policemen want to do their best in taking into consideration not only the race or the ethnic a person belongs to. The process of criminal profiling involves multiple identifiers: age, sex, race, clothes, gang signs, time, place, and activity. Im not advocating anything; after all, African Americans overwhelmingly vote for these crappy policies themselves, and personally, I can hide my minority status so that Im not actually hurt by affirmative action or equal pay laws. Oh, it certainly is going to be effective. The next stops on this predictable historical path are Detroit, then Venezuela. Youre getting what you ask for, good and hard.

In this post, I would like to consider why racial profiling is a serious problem, why it's so hard to end, and what nonetheless can be done to reduce it. For the purpose of proving the advantages of racial profiling, Simon Kellner denotes that racial profiling, by hypothesis, can be an effective tool of policing, increasing the likelihood that investments of police effort will lead to arrests. In accordance with the main idea of the article, an abundance of people feel safer if they understand that racial profiling is used by the policemen. Furthermore, in numerous cases, racial profiling can not be considered to be discrimination. You dont know whether or not youll be a member of the profiled group, the author admits, and the support of racial profiling is not only notifying that someone is more likely to commit a crime due to his race. It is possible that an advocate of racial profiling can also be a suspect. The majority of those people who support racial profiling understand this. Unless you want to argue that its good law enforcement to preemptively treat young black men as probably criminals due to probabilities. Which is very much not how we do things in America, where we judge people as individuals. Ohh and to all those attacking the use of rational here please keep context in mind.

Racial profiling essay conclusion - Now, what should we do about that? Reducing racial profiling by police isnt going to reduce the disparities significantly because its not the primary cause. But it is going to make removing criminals from neighborhoods much harder and will cause crime rates to go up.

So, the choices are: (1) reduce racial profiling, increase crime and increase disparities, (2) tolerate some racial profiling, decrease crime, and decrease disparities. What you and Somin think you want, simultaneously reducing racial profiling and disparities is not an available choice. Most big cities are run by Democrats, people overwhelmingly elected by black communities. Obviously, their distrust of cops doesnt seem to translate into voting. Racial disparities in policing are overwhelmingly due to differences in crime rates. There clearly is some component of racial profiling and prejudice as well. This argument was used under the objective of demonstrating the foes of racial profiling that it is their mistake to accuse the police of using unconstitutional techniques. Race is an inevitable part of searching for the criminal as this feature is more than significant for finding a suspected.

Although a lot of foes of racial profiling underline that the police spend so much time on this technique that it prevents them from using other methods, racial profiling is one of the principal parts of investigation. It does not mean that applying to this method means obeying law or ones civil rights. It is just a way to reduce the number of criminals. Unlike the type discussed above, a persuasive racial profiling essay should aim to convince your readers that your point of view is the only correct one. Instead of just presenting your point of view, you need to gather the most convincing facts that can influence your audience. It requires expertise in the topic of racial profiling. There are other non-prejudicial effects linked to neighborhoods, unemployment rates, etc. that all result in disparate outcomes even in the complete absence of prejudice or racial profiling. For example, I used to live in a high crime minority neighborhood and I got stopped frequently by police. The trigger wasnt skin color, it was location. The killing of African-American George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer and the resulting protests have called new attention to a longstanding issue with American law enforcement: widespread racial profiling.

It obviously wasnt meant to suggest that it is rational in sense of best move to maximize social welfare or even minimizing crime. I encourage you to go into the wilderness and start feeding the bears. You shouldnt let your stereotypes of bears being dangerous to humans influence your actions. There are certainly very gentle bears out there who can be fed with no danger at all. Racial disparities in crime rates have a variety of causes, including a long history of racism, and flawed government policies of many types. But there is little the average cop on the beat can do to alleviate these causes. He or she instead may focus primarily on the resulting differences in crime rates. Neither Somin nor you have provided any evidence that a double standard exists. The double standard you want to fight is a strawman. Ending racial profiling would not end all abusive law enforcement behavior. It wouldn't even end all abuses where minorities are victims. But racial profiling is a serious problem nonetheless.

Law enforcement practices repeatedly have incongruent collision on dissimilar racial and racial groups. To take one well-publicized example, the current deliberate on racial pro. Ling has shown that motorists on freeways are much extra probable to be explored by police looking for prohibited drugs if the motorists are African-American. Parallel accusations are made in association with custom searches at airports, and in a number of other situations concerning policing. The main prospective of this study is to jot down our conceptual thinking over the racial profiling and its pros and cons. To educate our readers pertinently, we have included the proper mean of racial profiling, and what it depicts? Apart from that some words regarding the public concern over that issue has also been implanted in the paper. Lets discuss every single thing in details to grab a fair idea. If you want to argue prove that racial profiling is happening then do so. But know what racial profiling is; it is not just arresting more black people.
As I use the term, racial profiling denotes a situation where law enforcement officers treat members of one racial group worse than they would be treated in the same situation if they belonged to another group. If a police officer stops, searches, or arrests a black person when a white person in the same situation would be left alone, thats a case of racial profiling. Somin claims that racial profiling by police is routine. That claim is not just unsubstantiated, it is contradicted by statistics. The racial disparities that exist in policing can be explained by differences in crime statistics and demographics.


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