International Taxation - Tax Research Paper.

Essay Preview: Tax Research Paper: Maxims Of Tax Planning And Six Steps Of Tax Research

Corporate Tax Cut Create More Jobs? The current wave of Tax reform has created a huge debate whether lowering taxes will boost economy and employment growth. The US has the highest Corporate tax rate among the advanced countries; thus, it is argued that it is disadvantageous to US corporation in terms of global competitiveness. Several corporations have moved their operations overseas in the past few years; Indeed, it has raised concern whether these companies are fleeing abroad due to higher tax ratesLess severe tax felonies cover other misconduct: willfully making false statements under penalty of perjury, 26 . 7206(1) (maximum three-year imprisonment, same maximum fines); willfully aiding or assisting the preparation of false tax documents, 26 . 7206(2) (same); and interfering with or offering bribes to federal tax officials, 26 . 7212(a) (same). Willful tax evasion is a felony, but willful failure to file a tax return is a misdemeanor only, as is the willful delivery of false statements (See 26 . 7203 and 7207).Analysis of Ford Motor Company External Factors and Economic Environment 1) Market and Customers Between 22 and 23 (average over past five years) of Fords customers are defined as fleet customers as described above. The residual 77to 78 of customers are private individuals who purchase Ford vehicles through licensed dealers. Ford customers come from all demographic strata given the diverse brand lineup and product mix, and Fords products are purchased and driven the world over. Argus Research estimates that the car market will decrease 3.8 in terms of units sold during 2003, and that light truck sales will increase 0.2. The company predicts an decrease of 3.9 in car sales and an increase of 0.7 in light truck sales for the company during 2003.

This rationale suggests that the Criminal Investigation Division will continue its past policies. It likewise suggests that federal tax prosecution may denote more a set of investigative techniques than a particular kind of crime that the Treasury Department has targeted. Technology has advanced so much that now there are soft wares available in the market that can help the individuals to pay their taxes digitally. This topic for tax research paper can be very informative for taxpaying masses. You can write on, The review of online taxpaying software 2010 or on the
Hence, tax research papers can be a great medium to inform the tax payers about the facts that are usually not known to them, so make it as informative as possible and if you want to use the above told topic ideas for writing research paper on tax than you will surely end up with an impressive tax research papers. Economists have made important strides in trying to understand tax evasion. Gary Beckers classic article on the economics of crime used economic theory to tackle normative questions such as how many resources should be spent on law enforcement of laws and what penalties the government should impose.

Beckers theory about criminal behavior assumed that individuals evaluate the benefits and costs of various activities (including criminal activities like tax evasion) and choose those activities that provide the highest income (or expected utility), after taking into account the associated net costs. Doing Business considers the following list of papers as relevant for research on paying taxes. Some papersdenoted with an asterisk (*)use Doing Business data for their empirical analysis. If we've missed any important research, please let us know. February 7, 2012 TAX FILE MEMORANDUM TO: Professor FROM: Student SUBJECT: Murray Taxpayer Issues Regarding Damage Award Facts: Murray Taxpayer was previously employed by a company who was illegally dumping chemicals into a river. Murray had knowledge concerning these illegal activities of his employer and made an ethical decision to report this to the Environmental Protection Agency. Upon inspection, the Environmental Protection Agency determined that Murrays employer was in fact illegally. Also means the start of another tax filing season. People begin to gather all the receipts and other documents needed to file their year tax returns.

Tax research paper - Tax compliance typically relies on voluntary self-assessment, which requires taxpayers to calculate their own tax liability and voluntarily to pay the amount due. For income taxes, there are three kinds of noncompliance: failure to file tax returns; underreporting of taxable income (either through underreporting income or overstating deductions); and failure to pay established liabilities. Tax scholars often distinguish between tax minimization, tax avoidance, and tax evasion, but no precise lines divide this continuum of conduct.

Allingham and Sandmo and others have attempted to estimate the impact of several factors on voluntary tax compliance. For example, commentators have examined the relationship of demographics and social factors to levels of noncompliance, the effectiveness of different penalty structures on increasing deterrence, and the deterrent effect of past audits on future compliance (Andreoni, Erard, and Feinstein).Compliance also varies greatly by types of income. For example, the compliance rates for wages and salaries (99.5), pensions and annuities (98.4), interest and dividends (94.6), and income from capital gains (88.3) are relatively high, while the compliance rates for partnerships and S corporations (42.1) and self-employment income (41.4) are quite low (in all cases estimated for reported net income as a percentage true net income for filers only) (Slemrod and Bakija).The FairTax Plan: The Right Plan for Tax Reform The FairTax Plan: The Right Plan for Tax Reform April 15th of any given year isThe first the major tax planning maxims, entity variable planning, says that a company should use its structure to its advantage. What this means is that when there are two related parties under common control and one is subject to a lower tax rate than the other, more income should be allocated to that entity, thus allowing for a reduction in the overall income tax expense incurred by the firm.


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