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In assessing the priorities, one of the points that will come out
clearly is the impact of positions within the organization.
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Essay-lib to lend you a helping hand.However, this self-managing
structure may deter valuable employees whose career expectations
include promotions. Moreover, the boss less structure may be a
problem when handling grievances, ensuring workplace diversity
and biased decision making. (Klint , 2014)
Aronson, D. (1998). Introduction to Systems Thinking. Retrieved
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Bergiel, B. J., Bergiel, E. B., & Balsmeier, P. W. (2008). Nature
of virtual teams: a summary of their advantages and
disadvantages. Management Research News, 99-110.
DiMario, M. J. (2010). Systems Research Series : System of
Systems Collaborative Formation. Singapore: World Scientific
Publishing co.
Duggan, T. (2017). Differences Between the Traditional
Organizational Structure & One That Is Team-Based? Retrieved from
Freeman, E. R. (2010). Strategic Management: A Stakeholder
Approach. Kindle books.
Galbraith, J. R. (1971). Matrix Organization Designs: How to
combine functional and project forms. Business Horizons,
Galbraith, J., Downey, D., & Kates, A. (2001). Designing Dynamic
Organizations : A Hands-on Guide for Leaders at All Levels .
Ghiselli, E. E., & Siegel, J. P. (1972). Leadership and
Managerial Success in Tall and Flat Organization Structures.
Personnel Psychology, 25 (4): 617.
Griffin, D. (2014). The Structure of a Boundaryless
Hall, K. (2013). Making the Matrix Work: How Matrix Managers
Engage People and Cut through Complexity. Global Intergration
Jacobides, M. G. (2007). The inherent limits of organizational
structure and the unfulfilled role of hierarchy: Lessons from a
near-war. Organization Science, 455-477.
Johnson, R. A., Kast, F. E., & Rosenzweig , J. E. (1964). Systems
Theory and Management. Management Science, 367-384 .
Kates,, A., & Galbraith, J. R. (2007). Designing Your
Organization : Using the STAR Model to Solve 5 Critical Design
Challenges (1). Jossey-Bass.
Klint , F. (2014). . Retrieved from Why Workers can Suffer in
Bossless Companies like GitHub:
Miles, R. E., & Snow, C. C. (1992). Causes of Failure in Network
Organizations. California Management Review.
Smith, A. (1776). Wealth of Nations (4 ed.). (A. B. Krueger, Ed.)
Kindle Classics.
Smith, J. (2010). Systems Thinking- What's That? Retrieved from
Blog: Consulting and Organizational Development:
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Through this approach, organizations are also able to determine
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Boundaryless organizations
This is a contemporary organization design that is highly engaged
with its environments.
This concept remove bureaucratic divisions that separate the
organization and its stakeholders. This is achieved by thriving
in change by developing characteristics and adopting new
practices that better position the organization against threats
and changes in its environments. Boundaryless organizations are
of four types: network organization, virtual organization modular
organization and strategic alliance (Griffin, 2014). In this
modern day world, competition is the key driving force of many
organizations in various economic sectors. The need to
out-compete each other has become so great that many
organizations are willing to do whatever it takes to gain any
competitive advantage possible. As a result, many organizations
have invested fully in infrastructure and other kinds of
technology and software that serve the purpose of increasing
their efficiency and productivity as an organization. While this
has made some significant improvement on their bottom lines, it
is the development of human capital that has had the greatest
impact on the productivity and profitability of many such
organizations. The ability to harness the power of the human
workforce has translated into increased efficiency and
productivity levels in many of these organizations. Needless to
say, profit increase soon follows.
In conclusion, the dynamic and ever changing business world
requires organizations to be versatile and adaptive to increasing
This essay will explore the three main organizational structures
expounding on the matrix structure and its benefits. The paper
further delves into general systems theory and elaborates on the
concept of systems thinking and how they can be beneficial to an
organization. Moreover, virtual teams and traditional teams will
be compared and contrasted and explained. Finally, the essay will
define shareholders and stakeholders and pointing out their
General Systems Thinking
General Systems Thinking is one of several methodologies which
use systems approach to understand complex phenomena and
problems. It seeks to identify the general relationships of the
empirical world by observing patterns in our systems to find an
optimum degree of generality. Discovering patterns and discerning
them leads to a revelations of principles that can be applied in
various research fields. (Johnson, Kast, & Rosenzweig ,
1964).Notably, a president can influence how these areas perform
by passing new laws that are geared towards improving the
situation (Kahler Financial Group, 2016). However, he cannot do
this without the support of Congress.