Comparison And Contrast - Compare And Contrast Essay Examples

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Be careful, thoughalthough this thesis is fairly specific and does propose a simple argument (that atmosphere and delivery make the two pizza places different), your instructor will often be looking for a bit more analysis. In this case, the obvious question is So what? Why should anyone care that Peppers and Amante are different in this way? One might also wonder why the writer chose those two particular pizza places to comparewhy not Papa Johns, Dominos, or Pizza Hut? Again, thinking about the context the class provides may help you answer such questions and make a stronger argument. Heres a revision of the thesis mentioned earlier:

There are two main ways this might play out, depending on how much you have to say about each of the things you are comparing. If you have just a little, you might, in a single paragraph, discuss how a certain point of comparison/contrast relates to all the items you are discussing. For example, I might describe, in one paragraph, what the prices are like at both Peppers and Amante; in the next paragraph, I might compare the ingredients available; in a third, I might contrast the atmospheres of the two restaurants. A subject-by-subject structure can be a logical choice if you are writing what is sometimes called a lens comparison, in which you use one subject or item (which isnt really your main topic) to better understand another item (which is). For example, you might be asked to compare a poem youve already covered thoroughly in class with one you are reading on your own.

It might make sense to give a brief summary of your main ideas about the first poem (this would be your first subject, the lens), and then spend most of your paper discussing how those points are similar to or different from your ideas about the second. Use the last paragraph to evaluate the comparisons and explain why theyre essential. Giving a lot of facts can be intense. To water it down, try to give the reader any real-life applications of these facts. The similarities, thus, become the basis of comparison. The other part discusses the contrast. As the name suggests, contrast refers to differences between the subjects in hand. As two unique topics of discussion, these subjects will have ample differences to discuss and elucidate. Therefore, compare and contrast essays are all about understanding and highlighting what is common and what is different between two topics. Once you have chosen the research question, find the perfect topic for your paper. For a start, shortlist some topics related to famous subjects and works. The thesis of your comparison/contrast paper is very important: it can help you create a focused argument and give your reader a road map so she/he doesnt get lost in the sea of points you are about to make.

For example, if you wanted to argue that Fryes account of oppression is better than both de Beauvoirs and Bartkys, comparing and contrasting the main arguments of those three authors might help you construct your evaluationeven though the topic may not have asked for comparison/contrast and the lists of similarities and differences you generate may not appear anywhere in the final draft of your paper. Its a fact that compare and contrast essay is not the easiest type of paper to write. You have to find and use a lot of sources in order to see the whole picture. Besides, the structure of an essay has to be well-planned so that the reader can easily grasp the main idea. Of course, there are many obstacles on the way to a perfect paper, but all of them are not that difficult to cope with. In your compare and contrast essay, you provide the readers with different views on the same problem or subject, giving them the freedom to decide what they think about the issue after doing the necessary research. Rather than addressing things one subject at a time, you may wish to talk about one point of comparison at a time.

  • Differences in the Italian Renaissance and Northern Renaissance.
  • Impacts famous artists had on the world.
  • Explain the art of Ancient Egypt.
  • Art therapy is used to heal people. How?
  • Is photography an art?
  • Discuss the history of the Bauhaus Movement.
  • Discuss the concept of censorship in art.
  • Digital art and its rise.
  • Hollywood vs. Bollywood.
  • Fine art vs. Folk art.

A conclusion is the last part of the essay that summarizes the evidence and all of the main points discussed previously in the paper. Its function is also to reiterate the thesis statement and provide readers with some food for thought. Psychologyis acomplicated and broad field ofscience. Itanalyzesthehuman mind and behavior, e. g. , during listening to music,doingsports, or communicating with other people. Essays on the topic allowstudents to understand themselves and others. There are two waysyoucancompose thecompare and contrastessays:point-by-pointandsubject-by-subject. It is necessary to select one of thementionedtypes of paper organization andfollow it during writing. The strictly structured article allowsyoutodiscussthe comparing subjectssimilarities and differencesin a more efficient form. If you have been assigned a compare and contrast essay, then youre probably looking for interesting topics that you can write on, right? Sometimes you may want to use comparison/contrast techniques in your own pre-writing work to get ideas that you can later use for an argument, even if comparison/contrast isnt an official requirement for the paper youre writing.

It will also explain how you can (and why you should) develop a thesis that goes beyond Thing A and Thing B are similar in many ways but different in others. Students of all levelsmay find thecompare and contrast essaycreationchallenging. You need to understandthe difference between thepoint-by-pointandsubject-by-subjectpaper types. Besides, the topic selection and writingrequirementscan also raise more questions than answers. As the name suggests, compare and contrast essays focus on comparison and contrast. As a form of academic assignment, compare and contrast essays discuss two or more subjects. Subsequently, the objective is to explore and produce differences and similarities about the subjects at hand. When choosing a topic for your essay, remember that subjects cannot be drastically different, because there would be little to no points of comparison (similarities). The same goes for too many similarities, which will result in poor contrasts. For example, it is better to write about two composers, rather than a composer and a singer.

The tone of your paper depends on a topic you chose; for example, you dont have to use professional vocabulary writing a paper on funny compare and contrast essay topics, but for many other themes, especially if they are scientific or academic, using specific language is required. Similarly, our company makes sure to assign a subject specialist to work on your research paper at affordable rates. We will not only select research paper topics ideas for you but will also assist in writing your paper from scratch. Try to come up with a keyword and reach the best-suited topic according to your subject and preference. For example, the keyword violence can provide you with a number of choices. It may include gun violence, domestic violence, and other essay topics related to abuse. You can further take help from your professor to identify a unique idea to write a research paper. Remember, it would be better to avoid controversial topics for research papers if you are not confident about justifying them. To write a winning essay, divide it into the proper sections.

By assigning such essays, your instructors are encouraging you to make connections between texts or ideas, engage in critical thinking, and go beyond mere description or summary to generate interesting analysis: when you reflect on similarities and differences, you gain a deeper understanding of the items you are comparing, their relationship to each other, and what is most important about them. For the section where you compare two subjects, you can include any of the following words: similarly, likewise, also, both, just like, similar to, the same as, alike, or to compare to. When contrasting two subjects, use: in contrast, in comparison, by comparison, on the other hand, while, whereas, but, to differ from, dissimilar to, or unlike. Now it is time for the main part of an essay. In order to support the arguments presented in the paper, you need to provide enough information, including the evidence. Each body paragraph should contain proof and analysis as well as the way it relates to the thesis statement.

As in any paper, you will want to replace vague reports of your general topic (for example, This paper will compare and contrast two pizza places, or Peppers and Amante are similar in some ways and different in others, or Peppers and Amante are similar in many ways, but they have one major difference) with something more detailed and specific. For example, you might say, Peppers and Amante have similar prices and ingredients, but their atmospheres and willingness to deliver set them apart. Arguments for any essay, including compare and contrast essays, need to be supported by sufficient evidence. Make good use of your personal experiences, books, scholarly articles, magazine and newspaper articles, movies, or anything that will make your argument sound credible. For example, in your essay, if you were to compare attending college on campus vs. distance-based learning, you could include your personal experiences of being a student, and how often students show up to class on a daily basis. You could also talk about your experience taking online classes, which makes your argument about online classes credible as well. Factors from both groupsrepresentgeneralconceptsonly.

Sometimes a particular point of comparison or contrast might be relevant but not terribly revealing or interesting. For example, if you are writing a paper about Wordsworths Tintern Abbey and Coleridges Frost at Midnight, pointing out that they both have nature as a central theme is relevant (comparisons of poetry often talk about themes) but not terribly interesting; your class has probably already had many discussions about the Romantic poets fondness for nature. Talking about the different ways nature is depicted or the different aspects of nature that are emphasized might be more interesting and show a more sophisticated understanding of the poems. Sometimes you want to go below the surface and discover a deeper meaning of some simple things. It is a great chance to use your ideas and write a compare and contrast essay on philosophical topics. You probably hear about health and variousaspects ofthemedical field of knowledge frequently.

Introduce your essay by highlighting why you think the subjects at hand should be compared and contrasted. Consequently, this is set the tone of the essay. Next in line would be to deal with the two sections on comparison and contrast. Again, divide these broader sections into sub-sections grouping together various categories of similarities and differences. You can compare different historical periods, books, movies, theories, methods, etc. You are not limited in the choice of subject, so you can select any compare and contrast writing topics you are passionate about. Look:usingthismethod,youneed to review the first subject andallpoints of comparisonabout it, thenthe second one, and so-on depending on the paper requirements. According to thesample topicaboutcartoons,thebasicstructureof this method will be the following: This handout will help you first to determine whether a particular assignment is asking for comparison/contrast and then to generate a list of similarities and differences, decide which similarities and differences to focus on, and organize your paper so that it will be clear and effective.

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The point-by-point format requires you to analyze the points yourself while making similarities and differences more explicit to the reader for them to be easier to understand. Here is a detailed structure of each type presented below. Basically, a comparative essay requires you to compare two subjects. Of course, these subjects must have at least some similarities. In your essay, you will compare the subjects which can be anything you can think of and note the similarities and the differences. It may sound easy, but be aware that everything you write needs to be properly researched and referenced. Remember, this paper must be written following all relevant academic writing standards. In your career as a student, youll encounter many different kinds of writing assignments, each with its own requirements. One of the most common is the comparison/contrast essay, in which you focus on the ways in which certain things or ideasusually two of themare similar to (this is the comparison) and/or different from (this is the contrast) one another.

That is whyyou can quickly find several itemsfromthehealth and medicine sphereto compare and contrast. We investigated this sphere and provided the following list oftopics suitable for any study level: If you have to build a compare and contrast essay, you should break down the phrase into individual words. Compare here refers to identifying the similarities that exist in the 2 unique subjects you have chosen. The similarities can vary in nature, scope, degree, and magnitude. The only rule of thumb is that some commonalities must exist. The compare and contrast essay on movies is an interesting type of essay. Look at these topics that will help in your topic-selection phase. Both formats have their pros and cons. The block method is clearly easier to write, as you simply point out all of the information about the two subjects, and basically leave it to the reader to do the comparison.

The thesis can be the following:Thoughbothwood carvingand origamiimproveessentialmotor skillsand3D thinking,thelatterartis more convenientfor modern teenagers becauseit does not requirespecific tools andmuchtimefor learning.

Thetopics from the provided collection form a well-structured list. You will quickly find the required theme. Wehave divided these ideas intoart,culture,funny,gender,health and medicine,languagesand literature,psychology,sports,technology,andseparateschool levelssections.


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