A Midwife's Tale: Introduction - DoHistory.

So, how can you write an original introduction that doesnt sound like everyone else?

The alliteration smothered in surmise demonstrates how Macbeths vivid imagination causes him to struggle with fear and hesitate undergoing the action that is foreseen by him as a horrid image. These mental images are of significance throughout the play as it is evident that Macbeth conscience results in him seeing a dagger and also Banquos ghost. Although Martha did have different jobs to do, her real job was being a midwife. She got paid high for a woman at this time and she was a well respected person in the town. This job was the most demanding and it's not like there was birth control at this time so there was a lot of births. At any time she could be called on to deliver someone's child and it was probably very stressful with having no time for herself and having to leave whatever she was doing whenever she was called on. What I thought was weird is, in the movie, Martha asks the mother in labor who the father of the baby is and that's how they did paternity tests which seems so strange but it was the only way at the time, I guess. She probably wasn't happy when the spinster girl that worked at her house, in the movie, said her son's name during that crucial moment. After a hard day like this she got to go home and clean her house and cook food, I can just imagine how fun this was. The third one is that she isn't even given the freedom to take her own life. Suicide is almost impossible, I know why there was no glass in front of the watercolor picture of the blue irises, and why the window opens only partly and why the glass in it is shatter-proof. It isnt running away they're afraid of. We wouldn't get that far. It's those other escapes, the ones you can open in yourself, given a cutting edge. For us as humans, we get the opportunity to do things that we want, but even to take her own life away, to save herself from the world that she's living in, is impossible. Whenever you get a new essay topic, you can use LSGs THINK and EXECUTE strategy, a technique to help you write better VCE essays. This essay topic breakdown will focus on the THINK part of the strategy. If youre unfamiliar with this strategy, then check it out in How To Write A Killer Text Response.

My main tip for a conclusion is to finish it off with a confident commentary of the entire piece and what you think that the author was trying to convey through their words (in relation to the topic). For example, in pretty much all of my essays, I would conclude with a sentence that referenced the entire play - for example, how it appeared to be such a polarising play, with largely exaggerated, polarising characters/settings (eg. Angelo and the Duke, or the brothels that stood tall next to the monastery): In this case, we have deleted: sometimes, if I walked the main street of the village in the eveningandI realised then that I hadby using an ellipsis a part of the quotation that is not missed because it does not represent the essence of the students argument. You would have noticed that a square bracket ([ ]) was used. This will be discussed in detail underBlending Quotes. Mmm, this theme ties in nicely with just about all of the others.

Macbeths firm and thoughtful tone in the opening alliteration two truths are told stresses how serious he takes the Witches predictions. Shakespeare presents this passage as a soliloquy in order to convey Macbeths true inner thoughts and motives. As this is Macbeths first soliloquy, it emphasises the strong possibility of Macbeth heading down a dark journey as he cannot forget the Witches predictions (it) cannot be ill, cannot be good. If ill, / Why hath it given me earnest of success, Commencing in a truth? This type of prompt also grants you some freedoms that other types dont give. For example, unlike a Theme-based prompt, a character-based prompt means that its perfectly fine to write about characters in the topic sentences of your body paragraphs.
Measure for Measure is usually studied in the Australian curriculum under Area of Study 1 - Text Response. For a detailed guide on Text Response, check out our Ultimate Guide to VCE Text Response.
The author may write in a first(I, we), second(you)or third person(he, she, they)narrative. Since you will usually write from an outsiders point of view, you will refer to characters in third person. Thus, it is necessary to replace first and second person pronouns with third person pronouns. Alternatively, you can replace first and second person pronouns with the characters name.

How To Kick Start Your Essay with a Smashing Introduction

If they're no longer fertile, then they'll pretty much be out-casted from society and rejected. Who run the world? Gir- no its a bunch of men. This theme contributes to why Measure for Measure is a problem play. The exploration of the female characters in this play are very interesting, and kind of sad. Of 20 named characters, only 5 are women. Together, their lines make up only 18 of the play. Yikes! There is a lot to unpack here. Our female characters are Isabella, Mariana, Mistress Overdone, Juliet, Francisca (a nun who speaks twice) and Kate Keepdown (who we never meet). Their situations: a maiden poised to enter a nunnery, a prostitute, a pregnant girl about to lose her husband, a nun, and another prostitute. Quite gloomy, isn't it? Meanwhile, the men are leaders (The Duke, deputy Angelo, and ancient lord Escalus) and gentlemen (Lucio, Claudio, and Froth). Over the course of the play, our female characters are put into worse situations by men. Their experiences are dictated by men. Consider taking a feminist perspective and exploring Measure for Measure from a female point of view. The novel illustrates that adversity can bring out the best and worst of people and that faith can be challenged and eroded.

The novel explores how crises affect human behaviour, beliefs and values and reveal the real character of a community under pressure. Our job while studying this text is to consider how all the different responses to an external crisis contribute to an analysis of human nature. Ok, crazy, but he also said that "the 'problem' is not like one in mathematics, to which there is a single true solution, but is one of conduct, as to which there are no fixed and immutable laws. Often it cannot be reduced to any formula, any one question, since human life is too complex to be so neatly simplified. The content of this website does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U. S. Department of Education nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U. S. Government. 4. Contrast Robert Duvall's role as the Commander in the 1990 film version of The Handmaid's Tale with his title role in THX-1138, a 1970 dystopian cult classic. How does the capricious distribution of power affect both characters? Extend this study of power and subjugation to other dystopian films, especially Fahrenheit 451, 1984, Lord of the Flies, and A Clockwork Orange.

A midwive's tale essay questions - Perhaps Shakespeare encourages us to look at mercy and punishment from different perspectives. Angelo believes he is punishing Claudio for his own good, and cleaning up Vienna of lechery too. Maybe we ought to be merciful in our opinion of the deputy. Nonetheless, the Bard shows that in the case of young Claudio, mercy and forgiveness is the right path to choose. Finally, consider why Shakespeare may have portrayed a merciful leader to his Jacobean audience. Maybe if he were to portray a leader as fair and merciful, the Jacobean audience would trust that their new king (a man similar in character to the Duke) could be kind and merciful too. Earning the favour of the king and writing a killer play? Hes killed two birds with one stone.

How does one define justice? The play explores this idea; does justice mean punishment? Or mercy? How do we balance the two to deliver the right punishment/lack thereof? Characters that dispense justice include The Duke, Angelo (although they have differing ideas of justice) and Isabella. Since Vienna is a religious place, consider the divine justice system (ie. a perfect, flawless system meted out by God) and the earthly one (ie. the flawed, human justice system). Laws exist in an attempt to ensure justice. But does it always work? Consider also the Old and New Testament ways of thinking - the former strict and punitive, while the latter is more measured and merciful (see symbols/motifs below for more info). Just as a really quick summary (that will probably butcher the overall meaning and the experience that you get from the book, but I don't want to really spoil it for you either), The Handmaids Tale is set in this future world where America, or the United States, has become a dystopian society, and women in particular are reduced to nothing more than just a child bearing species. Men are in charge and these women, who are deemed to be people who can give birth, are kept alive and kept around in these rich people's homes or people who are higher up in the hierarchy, and they basically have to have sex with the male leader of the home and just create children, and that is their purpose.

a midwive

Original sentence:something bitter and stringy, too difficult to swallow. Its just that I um, I hate itIts too its too Indian! (Sticks and Stones and Such-like, Sunil Badami in Growing Up Asian in Australia) Shakespeare doesnt only influence our world in the classroom. The Bard coined many words and phrases that we use today. We can thank this playwright for be -all, end-all, good riddance, and my personal favourite, swagger. The Midwife Apprentice was based on the Medieval England times, i commenced noticing that this Era was a lot different from our modern days, as well as some similarities in our lives now. If you ask to yourself, What are some of those differences and similarities? Well as you start reading this book, you can understand how a life of a twelve or thirteen years old girl, was different from the life of some girls at her age in the present, but they all want something similar; happiness. These differences.


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