Affordable Care Act Pros And Cons
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (known as the Affordable Care Act or ACA) was signed into law in March 2010 during the Obama administration. The law took aim at some of the major inefficiencies in American healthcare coverage, particularly the staggering rates of under- and uninsured Americans. The law also prohibited exclusions for pre-existing conditions, including pregnancy, while also eliminated discriminatory practices in premium pricing. In addition, a framework allowing health professionals to use knowledge, skills, and experience to their full scope of practice. There are a variety of methods available to achieve the best IPC possible. One way is the usage care pathways. Care pathways are defined as multidisciplinary tools that can be used to introduced the best clinical practice, to ensure that the most appropriate management occurs at the most appropriate time, and that is provided by the most important health professional, (cite). The overall goal of care pathways is to improve the quality of patient care. At first I saw this as a simple issue of frivolous lawsuits, but I now see that it is a multi-faceted issue that nearly everyone has a stake in. I have come to the conclusion that tort reform - to some degree - is necessary in order to protect innocent doctors and stimulate the healthcare industry. However, I dont think tort reform should be to the degree it is described. Patients should be able to file lawsuits after a one year period if necessary, and perhaps caps should not be so low, in order to account for different kinds of damage an individual may
The ACA provides subsidies to low income families and individuals, fines businesses who do not provide health insurance to full time employees, expand existing federal and state health plans, and sets a standard for health insurance policies. Additionally, since the introduction of the ACA into the American healthcare system, insurance premiums have not increased at the same rate they have previously. Usually the medication advertised has more problems than the condition it is treating. In addition, advertisements have changed the doctor-patient relationship. DTC advertising has changed the way doctors and patients communicate for worse. Naomi Freundlich writes in her article about medication advertisements: Fewer than 10 of physicians believe direct-to-consumer advertising (DTCA) is a positive trend in health care. Doctors report that they now spend more time explaining to patients why an expensive new drug is no better than the one they already take, or that the patient isn 't suffering from a nebulous condition like fibromyalgia, just the normal aches and pains of aging.
Affordable care act pros and cons essay - Opponents of Obamacare claimed the legislation would destroy jobs. The number of full-time jobs has gone up in recent years, but there are still reports of businesses cutting hours from employee schedules.
Others couldnt get decent health insurance because of a preexisting medical condition, such as a chronic disease. Many people assume Obama was the first president to challenge a change in healthcare for the United States because of his involvement with Obamacare. However, the Clinton administration and many others before him, also debated the pros and cons of implementing government funded healthcare. Medicare, Medicaid, and Tricare are all examples of different ways our government has been This summer we may find ourselves glued to our phones more than ever before. Our phones help us stay connected when were all stuck inside. Social media is an easy way to stay connected with our friends and family, but it also has its downfalls too. With World Social Media Day on June 30, read on to find out some pros and cons of social media. Evidence-based practice (EBP) is the integration of patient preferences and values, clinical expertise, and rigorous research to make decisions that lead to improved outcomes for patients and families (Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt, 2015, p. 171). The need for evidence based practice will help ensure the patient will receive the highest level of quality of care.
Affordable Health Care Act Pros And Cons
Each member of the health care team, work together with the common goal of identifying the needs of the patient and offering the most safe, efficient, and effective care. Patient and family centeredness is one of the values identified with the decisions that are being made on the behalf of the patient with evidence based practice (Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt, 2015, p. 176). By focusing According to a Kaiser study, 46 of uninsured adults tried to get coverage but did not because it was too expensive (Luhby, 2017). These costs vary widely across the states, the national average gives insight into how steep the deductibles and premiums can be. For lower income Americans, The ACA subsidies have proven to reduce the premiums, but for an individual whom doesnt meet the criteria for the subsidies will find it difficult to afford healthcare. In Today, the American people are fortunate to have many agencies equipped with resources to service communities across the country. Many of these agencies protect the health and wellbeing of the people providing healthcare and affordable drug coverages. Some these agencies are the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Dept. of Health and Human Services (HHS), and the Agency for Healthcare Resources The ACA is subject to changes every year.
From a business owner vantage point, Obamacare has its highs and lows. When it was enacted, employers who did not already provide coverage for employees had to majorly readjust their balance sheet. While Obamacare apparently did the job, resulting in just 0. 2 percent of American business with 50+ employees not offering health insurance to full-time employees, small businesses struggled at the outset with the employer mandate, a provision assessing penalties on businesses with 50+ full-time employees that did not comply with providing coverage. This article is for general information and may not be updated after publication. Consult your own tax, accounting, or legal advisor instead of relying on this article as tax, accounting, or legal advice. Living a healthy life is a struggle to some American citizens, being able to afford to be healthy poses a significant challenge to some Americans. With the costs of a hospital visit potentially being greater than a thousand dollars, many Americans choose to forego treatment and hope they recover from their ailment without medical attention. To combat this issue, president Obama introduced the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, to encourage Americans to sign up for health insurance to be able to afford healthcare.
This pressures physicians to prescribe when patients come in
requesting a particular newer (not necessarily better), more
expensive medication by name. A pro, however, is the generous tax
incentive and credits offered to businesses to help offset the
costs of providing health insurance to employees. There are even
credits and incentives available to businesses with fewer than 50
employees who opt to provide coverage to workers despite it not
being required. Its important as a small business owner to be
up-to-date with laws that might be beneficial to you. The ACA has
many provisions that could affect your businesses, and the best
way to benefit from changes is to understand them. This site is
part of the NSU Site Network.
The views, opinions and positions expressed by the authors and
those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone, and do
not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Nova
Southeastern University or any employee thereof. Millions of
Americans have benefitted by receiving insurance coverage through
the ACA. Many of these people were unemployed or had low-paying
jobs. Some couldnt work because of a disability or family
Mifflin-Dunder Regional has private patients and public patients. For the public patients, all funding is provided by government. Mifflin-Dunder Regional is likely to make no profit if they underestimate the treatment days for patients. Hence, analyzing existing data and making estimations about bed days are crucial. The data of different illnesses such as treatment methods, treatment durations, the frequent occurrences in every year and the doctors that in charge of treatment should be recorded before analyzing and making decisions. The Comprehensive List of Health Care Market Place Exemption Options. Did you only have health insurance for part of the year and want to know about your health care market place exemption options? Are you trying to figure out what your tax liabilities are if you didnt have coverage at all? In addition, the hospital must not purchase outpatient drugs under a group purchasing arrangement. St. Anthony hospital is considered as a DSH and is eligible to participate in 340B program. To purchase 340B drugs at or below 340B ceiling prices, eligible covered entities must register and be enrolled with the 340B program annually and comply with all 340B Program requirements. New registrations are accepted October 1, January 1, April 1 and July 1. Even though 340 B program allows covered entities to stretch scarce Federal resources as far as possible, reaching more eligible patients and providing more comprehensive services however, there are lots of controversies about how to regulate this program effectively. The goal of Obamacare is for people to be insured year round. If youre uninsured and dont obtain an exemption, you must pay a modest fine. Recent events have changed this fine, and beginning with the tax year 2019 it will be eliminated.