Sample Paper & Works Cited List

Quick Rules for an MLA Works Cited List

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All borrowed materials are cited and cited properly according to the MLA resource provided.
All borrowed material is directly relevant to the immediate preceding interpretation. King Essays has assembled a team of highly skilled writers with diverse experience in the online writing circles. Our aim is to become a one stop shop for all your Academic/ online writing. Check out below our amazing service! One of the benefits of this system is that it can be applied to any source. Whether youre citing a book, a journal article, a tweet, or an online comic, this system will guide you through how to construct your citation.

How to works cited page - Amodia, David, and Patricia G. Devine. Changing Prejudice: The Effects of Persuasion on Implicit and Explicit Forms of Race Bias. Persuasion: Psychological Insights and Perspectives, edited by T.C. Brock and C. Greens, 2nd ed., SAGE Publications, 2005, pp. 24980.

General Formatting Information for Your Works Cited Section - Each entry in your Works Cited list should have a hanging indent where the first line of the entry is closer to the left margin than all of the following lines. See how to create a hanging indent in Word or Word Online.

A huge mistake is to understand the literature, be able to identify the topic, and instead of writing about the literature, you write about the topic the literature covers. "Many of the best from the new crop of arty pop bands from that era owed a lot to Roxy's earlier incarnations, from the playfully quirky theatrical apparel to the emotionally detached, affected cool of some of their best music" (Clark). MLAs solution to this problem has been to create a more universal approach to works cited entries. No matter the medium, citations include the specifically ordered and punctuated elements outlined in the following table. Dolby, Nadine. Research in Youth Culture and Policy: Current Conditions
and Future Directions. Social Work and Society: The International
Online-Only Journal 6. 2 (2008): n. pag. Web. 20 May 2009. No. With few exceptions, you should not use ellipses at the beginning and end of a quotation.

Example: John F. Kennedy inspired a generation with these words: "Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country. "
Example: As John F. Kennedy once said, "Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country. " You only need to include performers names if that information is relevant to your work. If your paper focuses on the director, begin this entry with the director, i. e. , Lee, Ang, director. Sense and Sensibility . . . . If your primary interest is an actor, begin the entry with the actors name, i. e. , Thompson, Emma, perf. Sense and Sensibility . . . . We pride ourselves in having a team of clinical writers. The stringent and rigorous vetting process ensures that only the best persons for job. We hire qualified PhD and MA writers only. We equally offer our team of writers bonuses and incentives to motivate their working spirit in terms of delivering original, unique, and informative content. They are our resources drawn from diverse fields. Therefore your technical paper is in the right hands. Every paper is assessed and only the writers with the technical know-how in that field get to work on it. 2.

Titles of works that are a volume in themselves, such as books, magazines, newspapers, plays, and movies, should be set off with underlining or italics:Hamlet, Little Women, The Awakening. Chapter first author Last name, First name, and Second author First name Middle initial. Last name. Chapter title. Anthology title, edited by first editor First initial. Middle initial. Last name and Second editor first initial. Last name, edition number, publisher, year of publication, pp. numbers. Author Last name, First name Middle name. Chapter title. Anthology title, edited by first editor First name Last name and second editor First name Last name, Publisher, year of publication, pp. numbers. 3. Your own title should neither be underlined nor placed in quotation marks unless it contains the title of the work you're discussing. In that case, only the title of the work should be punctuated as a title. In a citation of an oral presentation, give the speakers name; the title of the presentation (if known), in quotation marks; the meeting and the sponsoring organization (if applicable); the location; and the date.

Use an appropriate descriptive label (Address,Lecture,Keynote speech,Reading), neither italicized nor enclosed in quotation marks, to indicate the form of delivery. BORROWED MATERIAL: Be selective when choosing the borrowed material. Dont just find something to throw in the essay and cite it. That is not productive at all, not to mention it will get you a frowning face!
Let your borrowed material, since you are reading the sources BEFORE you write the paper, be your guide.
As you write, annotate, make note of what you like. Keep it. Then figure out how you can use it in your essay. Shimabukuro, Mira Chieko. Relocating Authority: Coauthor(iz)ing a Japanese American Ethos of Resistance under Mass Incarceration. Representations: Doing Asian American Rhetoric, edited by LuMing Mao and Morris Young, Utah State UP, 2008, pp. 12752. Nonrestrictive clauses and phrases are "extra information"; if they are removed, the meaning of the sentence remains the same. Memory tip: Try putting your thumb over the information within the commas. If the sentence changes without that information, the information restricts the meaning of the sentence, and you don't need the commas. Hawhee, Debra, and Christa Olson. PanHistoriography: The Challenges of Writing History across Time and Space. Theorizing Histories of Rhetoric, edited by Michelle Ballif, Southern Illinois University Press, 2013, pp. 90105. STAY IN THE LITERATURE.

This is incorrect because the commas imply that Alcott wrote only one novel, which isn't true. If you put your thumb over what's between the commas (the "extra information"), the sentence would read like this: In Louisa May Alcott's novel, Christie Devon declares her independence from convention. That doesn't have the same meaning, and anyway, we know that Louisa May Alcott wrote more than one novel. White paper two, argumentative essay two is upon us and you are more ready now than you were for the first essay!
Again, consider all that we have covered up to this point. With a focus on reading critically, identifying literary elements, connecting the elements used to each other in an effort to uncover what the author means (And no, there is no one meaning everyone will interpret differently) you will write an analysis NOT A SUMMARY but an analysis of the essay. Author Last name, First name. Book title. Edited by first editor First name Middle initial. Last name and Second editor First name Middle initial. Last name, edition., publisher, year of publication. The world is too much with us; late and soon,
Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers;
Little we see in Nature that is ours;
We have given our hearts away, a sordid boon! (lines 1-4)


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