Short Paragraph on Myself for Class 3 and 4 Students
Dont get devastated if you dont find any help or if the issue in the end does not get solved: the Linux kernel is FLOSS and thus you can still help yourself. You for example could try to find others that are affected and team up with them to get the issue resolved. Such a team could prepare a fresh report together that mentions how many you are and why this is something that in your option should get fixed. Maybe together you can also narrow down the root cause or the change that introduced a regression, which often makes developing a fix easier. And with a bit of luck there might be someone in the team that knows a bit about programming and might be able to write a fix. Gather additional information from the kernel that might be of interest. The output from lspci -nn will for example help others to identify what hardware you use. If you have a problem with hardware you even might want to make the output from sudo lspci -vvv available, as that provides insights how the components were configured. For some issues it might be good to include the contents of files like /proc/cpuinfo, /proc/ioports, /proc/iomem, /proc/modules, or /proc/scsi/scsi. Some subsystem also offer tools to collect relevant information. One such tool is which the audio/sound subsystem developers provide. Linus Torvalds and the leading Linux kernel developers want to see some issues fixed as soon as possible, hence there are issues of high priority that get handled slightly differently in the reporting process. Three type of cases qualify: regressions, security issues, and really severe problems.
It is worth worrying, in the United States, about health insurance (traditionally, you get it and your employer foots most or all of the costs) and your retirement program, which is some variant of we will match contributions to your 401k up to X of salary. The value of that is easy to calculate: X of salary. (It is free money, so always max out your IRA up to the employer match. Put it in index funds and forget about it for 40 years. ) Try to make sure its not faulty hardware that is causing your issue. Bad main memory for example can result in a multitude of issues that will manifest itself in problems looking like kernel issues. Short bios are necessary in multiple scenarios. Sometimes they are necessary for businesses purposes such as a resume. Other times, they are needed as an introduction for a website or publication. Short bios should be kept to the point. Only information that is relevant to the audience should be shared. If the bio is for the purpose of securing employment, most of the included information should focus on education and work experience. It is important when listing work accomplishments to be as specific as possible.
Write a short paragraph about yourself - Hi, my names Tom. Im eleven years old and Im from London. Ive got a great stamp collection! My album has got sixty-eight stamps in it. My stamps are from Japan, France, Australia, Canada and New Zealand. I like stamps because they have nice pictures. Im proud of my collection. Stamp collecting is easy and fun. It makes me happy.
If the bio is for a website or publication, it is more acceptable to include some interests or hobbies as well as a bit of personal information, as such spouse, children or pets. It's important to use action words as well as words that pop. Bios should be conversational in nature. When people read them, they should feel as though they could be sitting next to the person the bio describes, hearing the information directly from her. If you were supposed to file the issue in a bug tracker make sure to mark the ticket as private or security issue. If the bug tracker does not offer a way to keep reports private, forget about it and send your report as a private mail to the maintainers instead. To find the change there is a process called bisection which the document Bisecting a bug describes in detail. That process will often require you to build about ten to twenty kernel images, trying to reproduce the issue with each of them before building the next. Yes, that takes some time, but dont worry, it works a lot quicker than most people assume. Thanks to a binary search this will lead you to the one commit in the source code management system thats causing the regression.
Once you find it, search the net for the subject of the change, its commit id and the shortened commit id (the first 12 characters of the commit id). This will lead you to existing reports about it, if there are any. Once you did that insert two more lines at the top and write a one sentence summary that explains quickly what the report is about. After that you have to get even more abstract and write an even shorter subject/title for the report. This section provides details for the steps you need to take if you could not reproduce your issue with a mainline kernel, but want to see it fixed in older version lines (aka stable and longterm kernels). The entire class was on discussions on how to write such a topic. We all know about ourselves, but when somebody asks you to write, then we just get stuck with points and wonder from where to start. Please note that you might need to build your own kernel manually later: thats sometimes needed for debugging or testing fixes, as described later in this document. Also be aware that pre-compiled kernels might lack debug symbols that are needed to decode messages the kernel prints when a panic, Oops, warning, or BUG occurs; if you plan to decode those, you might be better off compiling a kernel yourself (see the end of this subsection and the section titled Decode failure messages for details).
Communication is a skill. Practice it: you will get better. One key sub-skill is being able to quickly, concisely, and confidently explain how you create value to someone who is not an expert in your field and who does not have a priori reasons to love you. If when you attempt to do this technical buzzwords keep coming up (Reduced 99th percentile query times by 200 ms by optimizing indexes on), take them out and try again. You should be able to explain what you do to a bright 8 year old, the CFO of your company, or a programmer in a different specialty, at whatever the appropriate level of abstraction is. Locate the driver or kernel subsystem that seems to be causing the issue. Find out how and where its developers expect reports. Note: most of the time this wont be , as issues typically need to be sent by mail to a maintainer and a public mailing list. Once you know the driver or subsystem, you want to search for it in the MAINTAINERS file. In the case of ath10k_pci you wont find anything, as the name is too specific.
Sometimes you will need to search on the net for help; but before doing so, try a somewhat shorted or modified name when searching the MAINTAINERS file, as then you might find something like this: Obviously you are free to ignore all this advice and report problems with an old or heavily modified vendor kernel to the upstream Linux developers. But note, those often get rejected or ignored, so consider yourself warned. But its still better than not reporting the issue at all: sometimes such reports directly or indirectly will help to get the issue fixed over time. So would you recommend working at a startup? Working in a startup is a career path but, more than that, it is a lifestyle choice. This is similar to working in investment banking or academia. Those are three very different lifestyles. Many people will attempt to sell you those lifestyles as being in your interests, for their own reasons. If you genuinely would enjoy that lifestyle, go nuts. If you only enjoy certain bits of it, remember that many things are available a la carte if you really want them. For example, if you want to work on cutting-edge technology but also want to see your kids at 5:30 PM, you can work on cutting-edge technology at many, many, many megacorps. Anyhow. Engineers are routinely offered a suite of benefits.
Academia is not like the real world: Your GPA largely doesnt matter (modulo one high profile exception: a multinational advertising firm). To the extent that it does matter, it only determines whether your resume gets selected for job interviews. If youre reading the rest of this, you know that your resume isnt the primary way to get job interviews, so dont spend huge amount of efforts optimizing something that you either have sufficiently optimized already (since youll get the same amount of interviews at as you will at 3. 8) or that you dont need at all (since youll get job interviews because youre competent at asking the right people to have coffee with you). Regression within a stable and longterm kernel version line are something the Linux developers want to fix badly, as such issues are even more unwanted than regression in the main development branch, as they can quickly affect a lot of people. The developers thus want to learn about such issues as quickly as possible, hence there is a streamlined process to report them. Note, regressions with newer kernel version line (say something broke when switching from to ) do not qualify. In case you find an existing report about your issue, join the discussion, as you might be able to provide valuable additional information.
My name is Sasha. I am 12 years old. I am from Moscow, Russian. I collect small superhero figurines. I have a shelf above my desk where I keep them. I like collecting figurines, it makes me happy when I find new figurines to add to my collection. My name is Queen but my nickname is Sara. My parents and grandparents usually call me by my nickname. My parents are very concerned about my health. They wake me up at 5 oclock every day and ask them to complete all everyday tasks. See if the issue you are dealing with qualifies as regression, security issue, or a really severe problem: those are issues of high priority that need special handling in some steps that are about to follow. Be patient: If you are really lucky you might get a reply to your report within a few hours. But most of the time it will take longer, as maintainers are scattered around the globe and thus might be in a different time zone one where they already enjoy their night away from keyboard.