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Nuclear engineers research and develop the processes, instruments, and systems used to derive benefits from nuclear energy and radiation.

This study aims to demonstrate the spacetime and mutual continuities between spaces at different scales individual, social and local. A single geometric structure is a spatial matrix that defines all the life processes of objective-subjective relations between man, being and form on earth. Designing a building is thus not necessarily research. The building as building reduces architecture to mute objects. These in themselves are not sufficient as the stuff of research inquiry. In order to move things on, to add to the store of knowledge, we need to understand the processes that led to the object and to interrogate the life of the object after its completion. Nowadays, nanotechnology has been presented as an innovative research field in modern technology, various industries, and highly efficient buildings. Using nanotechnology as a flexible phenomenon and its application in the construction industry has given more stability, decreased energy consumption, and improved construction materials performance. In this paper, the authors tried to introduce and analyze nanomaterials and their application in the different parts of the building and construction industry.

The authors of the article propose the criteria of preservation and architectural and planning principles of the modern use of cultural heritage buildings of modernism, including architectural monuments of constructivism (a unique style of the 30s of the 20th century), which are particularly vulnerable due to weak legal protection and low evaluation among the public. The study selects high-density multi-storey residential complexes in the areas of Baghdad (Republic of Iraq), where a hot, dry climate is prevalent. Based on this selection, the authors of the study note the urban determinants in the conditions of Iraq: the characteristics of the climate zone, the appropriate type of multi-storey residential complexes, the development stakeholders and their tools, the architectural quality, the appropriate energy-saving system, and the increase in population density. Architectural and engineering managers typically need at least a bachelors degree and considerable work experience as an architect or engineer.

High density housing for foreign single graduate students in Ames: a sustainable approach, Rolando Oscar Selles

Journal of Architectural Research and Development

Educators and educational administrators typically use this writing format to foster continual improvement in teaching or organizational methods. Action research papers include several predefined steps, including problem identification, data collection, interpretation of varying theories, proposed resolution and implementation plans. Rather than analyzing problems objectively, the goal is for writers to assess their own roles in promoting progress. Architectural and engineering managers typically need at least a bachelors degree and considerable work experience as an architect or engineer. The current article introduces an approach to solving a number of architectural and urban planning problems of individual cities of the Siberian region with the purpose of achieving sustainable development. The study contains an analysis of urbanized territories (non-articulated residential, degrading industrial territories, etc. ) in the cities of the southern part of Western Siberia as well as discusses the problems of their architectural renovation, and preservation of the architectural heritage of the modernist era.

The authors use the following research methods: system analysis and evaluation of digitalization processes in the architecture and design of modern cities. The results of the study define the status of digital technologies in modern architecture and design. In order to give some clarity to the scope of architectural research, these interactions can be divided into three stages: In the article the problem of reformation of territorial network of existent prisons and arrest houses is considered in the system of the inhabited places and city agglomerations of Ukraine. It is exposed in accordance with researches, that the role of city agglomerations in the developed systems of the inhabited places at forming of network of prisons will be saved. This fact will influence on forming of a few alternative variants of placing of correctional establishments on territories of Ukraine, among which regional, local and mixed. All of the worlds developed countries are moving towards modern and promising environmental approaches in their residential development planning programs.

The article considers the problems of formation of landscape architecture and its elements in large cities, the improvement of the general ecological situation by increasing the territory of green plantings, the criteria for achieving a comfortable environment for people in the modern city. Architectural and engineering managers typically need at least a bachelor's degree inengineering or architecture. It is compelling enough an argument to allow generations of architects (as well as designers and artists) to feel confident in saying that the very act of making is sufficient in terms of conducting research, and then to argue that the evidence is in front of all our eyes if we would just choose to look. However, it is also an argument that leads to denial of the real benefits of research, and so it is worth unpicking. The acceleration of the physical deterioration of the objects of cultural heritage by anthropogenic and natural factors threatens their longevity and the possibility of being passed on to future generations. The disparity between the dangers to be prevented and the means used for these purposes is constantly increasing.

The writers comprising the talent of are an international group of scholar-writers who have post-graduate degrees in their field of expertise as well as an excellent comprehension of the art of writing academic papers. Needless to say, the quality of their work is consistently outstanding, hardly equaled and never exceeded. You can avail of their assistance in whatever stage of development you are now in your Architecture research paper. The research discusses the problems of restoration and preservation of historic buildings in the city of Harbin. This article examines the problems of reconstructing the historical streets and blocks in the area of the Pier, where a large number of buildings bult by the Russian emigrants are concentrated. The unique facades of old buildings and the nature of the inner-block development present architectural interest. The reconstruction of the blocks makes it possible to develop new pedestrian spaces in the city as well as further prospects for the use of old buildings. The article examines new types of pedestrian precincts and proposes projects for the restoration of the historical environment of the Pier area in Harbin.

Iraq is one of the countries that is developing promising environmental approaches in the construction of multi-storey residential complexes in all of its regions with a hot, dry climate. The hypothesis of the study is the application of highly effective environmental approaches and urban planning conditions associated with the reality of new housing in any area, which will create truly ecological architectural solutions that form an ideal residential complex. Time, space and being: towards the production of an architecture of representation (with a case-study design project in Chinatown San Francisco), Linli Chen The spatial factor is the major and determining factor for the development of architecture. As the history of civilization shows, architecture has become a second environment for human activity along with nature. However, humanity does not yet have an accurate understanding or scientific definition of such a factor of its existence as its natural or artificial spatial environment.

Digital technologies of the 21st century are actively used in the formation of the architectural and spatial urban environment. The appearance of cities is formed not only by physical objects designed using digital technologies but also by digital information resources, interfaces, services, and virtual art objects integrated into their architecture and environments. There is a growing tendency to consider these elements important aspects of a comfortable modern cities.

Research in is traditionally the domain of the academy and research through that of practice, with research for somewhere in the middle. Research in has the most clearly defined methodologies and research outcomes, but at the same time is probably the most hermetic. Research through is probably the least defined and often the most tacit but at the same time a key defining aspect of architectural research. It is this area that needs developing most of all. Architecture and place: a critical look at how they interact and influence each other through definition, creation, and representation, Elizabeth Kief The development of the Arctic is one of the priority tasks of the spatial development of the Russian Federation. The article examines the reasons for the high migration capacity of the population of the Russian Arctic; the connection between the lack of public places (as a consequence the lack of informal communication) and migration, the moral decline of residents. Suggestions were made to improve the Arctic development strategy with the help of architectural techniques and tools that positively affect the psychoemotional perception of the urban environment.

Mechanical and electrical engineering services should also be needed for projects such as wind turbine farms and other renewable energy construction and design. This article discusses the main historical stages in the design of sanatoriums and health resorts in Russia and abroad. The study explores the evolution of the concept of sanatorium (a facility with spa and medical services in countries of the former Soviet Union) through the architectural and spatial organization of recreational activities from a historical perspective. The analysis of the Russian facilities was based on the territories of Sochi and the Crimean Peninsula while the foreign facilities are represented by SPA resorts in Europe and the United States. The study identifies the key trends in the design of the facilities under study according to each selected historical period. The authors formulate the general trends and differences in the design of resort institutions of various types and outline the main functional and planning solutions. The culture of architectural design studio: a qualitative pilot study on the interaction of the instructor and the student in their culture and the identification of the instructor's teaching styles, Patience Lamunu Opiyo Lueth In addition, architectural and engineering managers must know how to prepare budgets, hire staff, and supervise employees.

Expanding architectural practice to advance social justice: Social architecture creates equitable shelter, Hannah Rosenthal Despite the relevance of the mechanism of nucleation of the creative act are considered the reasons that trigger creative exploration, including core content concept of Architecture. Universal architects creative method is the most important means of creative problem solving. The third myth is that designing a building is a form of research in its own right. It is a myth that allows architects and architectural academics to eschew the norms of research (and also to complain when those norms are used to critique buildings as research proposals). The argument to support this myth goes something like this: Most architectural and engineering managers work in offices, although some may also work in research laboratories and industrial production plants or at construction sites.

The research, which was done based on descriptive-analytical methods, indicated that nanomaterial technologies are useful for building infrastructure and effectively ensure the environments sustainability. The article discusses the features of the territorial and functional formation of the design of health resorts in the South of Russia. The authors examine the dependence of the location of the health resorts on the proximity to the sea area and the territorial and functional organization of recreation. The analysis of health resort institutions was based on Sochi and the Crimean Peninsula. The main trends in the functional and planning organization of existing health resorts are identified according to each highlighted feature. The main types of health resort complexes are formulated depending on the territorial characteristics and general provisions in their functional formation. Architectural research may be seen to have two main contexts for its production, the academy and practice.

Prefab and parasitic architecture : architectural solution of the future city crisis (with case-study design projects), Bosuk Hur Based on thorough investigative research, the opening sections of an action paper evaluate existing theories and values from other experts alongside the writers' proposed beliefs. Another important element is the problem statement, which identifies the focus, research questions and challenges the writer faces in developing an effective strategy. The body of the paper addresses the writer's methods of data collection and analysis of their impact. Data collection usually involves actionable fieldwork, enabling researchers to tailor their analyses to their own environments. Toward the conclusion, the paper reports findings and presents a plan to take action to implement a proven, repeatable method. An action research paper documents a "cycle of inquiry," in which the writer evaluates a problem and develops a strategy of reform.

They propose budgets for projects and programs and determine staff, training, and equipment needs. These managers must also hire people and assign them specific parts of each project to carry out. Architectural and engineering managers supervise the work of their employees, set schedules, and create administrative procedures. Most architectural and engineering managers work in offices, although some may also work in research laboratories and industrial production plants or at construction sites. Most work full time andsome work more than 40 hours a week. Architecture of care in the urban public space: A philosophical inquiry in Ethics of care to inform the nature of the urban public space, Rucha Vivek Newalkar Architectural and engineering managers use their knowledge of architecture or engineering to oversee a variety of activities. They may direct and coordinate building activities at construction sites or activities related to production, operations, quality assurance, testing, or maintenance at manufacturing sites. The purpose of the study is to identify and assess the impact of innovative digital technologies on the existing and projected urban environment, including its spiritual and material integrity.

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    How to Write an Architecture Research Paper

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    The problem is that these impulses are, almost by definition, beyond explanation and so the production of architecture is left mythologized rather than subjected to clear analysis. Architecture is limited to a form of semi-mystical activity, with the architect, as heroic genius, acting as the lightning rod for the storm of forces that goes into the making of buildings. This first myth also treats architecture as an autonomous discipline, beyond the reaches or control of outside influences, including those of normative research methodologies. This leads to the separation of architecture from other disciplines and their criteria for rigor. Self-referential arguments, be they theories of type, aesthetics or technique, are allowed to evolve beyond the remit or influence of accepted standards, and research into these arguments is conducted on architectures own terms. Employment growth will largely reflect the growth of the industries in which these managers are employed. Demand for civil engineering services is expected to continue as the nations aging infrastructure requires expansion and repair.

    By reading a fine example of an Architecture research paper, you can comprehend how one such dissertation is constructed. At the archives of are tens or samples not only of Architecture papers but also of any other type of essay, be it a compare and contrast essay, a diet term paper, a literature research paper or a research paper on leadership. The first myth is that architecture is so different as a discipline and form of knowledge, that normal research definitions or processes cannot be applied to it. [1] We are so unlike you, the argument goes, that you cannot understand how we work. This myth has for too long been used as an excuse for the avoidance of research and the concomitant reliance on unspecified but supposedly powerful forces of creativity and professional authority. This myth looks to the muse of genius for succor, with the impulsive gestures of the individual architect seen to exceed the dry channels of research as the catalyst for architectural production.

    The article assesses the methods of eliminating the negative factors affecting the destruction of architectural monuments and historical cities, improving the quality of the urban environment, changing the silhouette and scale of urban developments with the help of new building materials and technologies, where there are problems of protecting and using cultural heritage as well as preserving the historical centers and regions of historical importance in the cities of Tajikistan. Against these myths, one has to understand that architecture has its own particular knowledge base and procedures. This particularity does not mean that one should avoid the normal expectations of research, but in fact demands us to define clearly the context, scope and modes of research appropriate to architecture, whilst at the same time employing the generic definitions of research in terms of originality, significance and rigor. An architecture research paper is a discussion of selected principles of the discipline. This discussion may be a critical analysis of any of the theories of Architecture. It may also be a description of how such principles were applied to an actual building. Likewise, you could write an Architectural research paper based on the life and achievements of a renowned architect.

    Architectural and engineering managers plan, direct, and coordinate activities in architectural and engineering companies.


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