How to Write a Strong Thesis Statement - Wilfrid Laurier University

Compose a draft thesis statement

This paper will analyze the way the simile about Simoisius at moves in and out of the world of warfare.
  • Do I answer the question? No. The prompt asks you to analyze some aspect of the novel. Your working thesis is a statement of general appreciation for the entire novel.

The first step to writing an essay is to decide which type of essay you need to write. Choosing the correct type of essay is the first step towards your successful essay. Many papers you write require developing a thesis statement. In this section youll learn what a thesis statement is and how to write one. After thinking about your answers to these questions, you decide to focus on the one impact you feel strongly about and have strong evidence for: This version is a much stronger thesis! It answers the question, takes a specific position that others can challenge, and it gives a sense of why it matters. Get your paper written from scratch within the tight deadline. Our service is a reliable solution to all your troubles. Place an order on any task and we will take care of it. You wont have to worry about the quality and deadlines Keep in mind that not all papers require thesis statements. If in doubt, please consult your instructor for assistance. Your readersespecially your instructorswant to read writing that engages them. Consequently, you must write thesis statements that are arguable, not factual. Statements of fact seem easy to write about because, well, they are easy to prove. After all, theyre facts. The problem is that you cannot write engaging papers around statements of fact.

This point, the controlling idea, becomes the core of your argument (thesis statement) and it is the unifying idea to which you will relate all your sub-theses. You can then turn this controlling idea into a purpose statement about what you intend to do in your paper. Beginning thesis statement: Alymer and Rappaccinni are proud of their great knowledge; however, they are also very greedy and are driven to use their knowledge to alter some aspect of nature as a test of their ability. Evil results when they try to play God. Beginning statements obtained through the methods illustrated above can serve as a framework for planning or drafting your paper, but remember theyre not yet the specific, argumentative thesis you want for the final version of your paper. In fact, in its first stages, a thesis statement usually is ill-formed or rough and serves only as a planning tool. The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with the opportunity to select a topic in the particular area in which you have an occupational or research interest, and to complete a literature review of the topic, using a minimum of ten scholarly references.

Writing in college often takes the form of persuasionconvincing others that you have an interesting, logical point of view on the subject you are studying. Persuasion is a skill you practice regularly in your daily life. You persuade your roommate to clean up, your parents to let you borrow the car, your friend to vote for your favorite candidate or policy. In college, course assignments often ask you to make a persuasive case in writing. You are asked to convince your reader of your point of view. This form of persuasion, often called academic argument, follows a predictable pattern in writing. After a brief introduction of your topic, you state your point of view on the topic directly and often in one sentence. This sentence is the thesis statement, and it serves as a summary of the argument youll make in the rest of your paper. Instruction: As you write your paper, be sure to use standard essay and paragraph format. Include an introduction and conclusion paragraph, a thesis statement, and support for your thesis. Use sources from all four of the articles. The links for the articles are down below.
Not all papers require thesis statements! Ask your instructor if youre in doubt whether you need one. After choosing the topic, its time to do some research to collect sufficient material for writing the essay.

When in doubt, ask your instructor if the assignment requires a thesis statement. When an assignment asks you to analyze, to interpret, to compare and contrast, to demonstrate cause and effect, or to take a stand on an issue, it is likely that you are being asked to develop a thesis and to support it persuasively. (Check out our handout on understanding assignments for more information. ) This final thesis statement presents an interpretation of a literary work based on an analysis of its content. Of course, for the essay itself to be successful, you must now present evidence from the novel that will convince the reader of your interpretation.

A good thesis falls somewhere between the two extremes. To arrive at this point, ask yourself what is new, interesting, contestable, or controversial about your topic. You must be willing to reject or omit some evidence in order to keep your paper cohesive and your reader focused. Or you may have to revise your thesis to match the evidence and insights that you want to discuss. Read your draft carefully, noting the conclusions you have drawn and the major ideas which support or prove those conclusions. These will be the elements of your final thesis statement. This handout describes what a thesis statement is, how thesis statements work in your writing, and how you can craft or refine one for your draft. Another option is to think of a thesis statement as one complete sentence that expresses your position. If you are writing a paper that will have an argumentative thesis and are having trouble getting started, the techniques in the table below may help you develop a temporary or working thesis statement. Once you have a topic, you will have to decide what the main point of your paper will be.

forming a thesis statement

This will allow you to demonstrate mastery of the program outcomes for the B. A. psychology program at Argosy University. A helpful Web site for organizing and writing a literature review As you write, you may discover evidence that does not fit your temporary or working thesis. Or you may reach deeper insights about your topic as you do more research, and you will find that your thesis statement has to be more complicated to match the evidence that you want to use. Availability of spiritual resources within or near the community (churches/chapels, synagogues, chaplains, Bible studies, sacraments, self-help groups, support groups, etc. ). As you work on your thesis, remember to keep the rest of your paper in mind at all times. Sometimes your thesis needs to evolve as you develop new insights, find new evidence, or take a different approach to your topic. If your assignment asks you to take a position or develop a claim about a subject, you may need to convey that position or claim in a thesis statement near the beginning of your draft. The assignment may not explicitly state that you need a thesis statement because your instructor may assume you will include one.

You have 10 days to submit the order for review after you have received the final document. You can do this yourself after logging into your personal account or by contacting our support. Researchers think the incidenceof celiac disease is increasing in the USA not only because of an increase in the ability and awareness todiagnose it, but also because of changes in the agricultural system. In particular, they are looking at the increased use ofpesticides, insecticides, and genetically modified wheat as culprits. Some of these theories are more likely to be valid than others. Writers use all kinds of techniques to stimulate their thinking and to help them clarify relationships or comprehend the broader significance of a topic and arrive at a thesis statement. For more ideas on how to get started, see our handout on brainstorming. Before you go too far, however, ask yourself whether your topic is worthy of your efforts. Try to avoid topics that already have too much written about them (i. e. , eating disorders and body image among adolescent women) or that simply are not important (i. e. why I like ice cream). These topics may lead to a thesis that is either dry fact or a weird claim that cannot be supported.

Sometimes your thesis needs to evolve as you develop new insights, find new evidence, or take a different approach to your topic. Choosing a good topic is an essential step towards writing an effective essay. If you are already given an essay topic, you can skip this step. But, if you are required to select a prompt for your essay, you need to do some brainstorming. You can read chapter fourof Schaum's Quick Guide to Writing Great Research Papers an eBook in our online collection, click the title to open: "How Do I Write a Thesis Statement?". As you consider your options, you must decide to focus on one aspect of your topic. This means that you cannot include everything youve learned about your topic, nor should you go off in several directions. If you end up covering too many different aspects of a topic, your paper will sprawl and be unconvincing in its argument, and it most likely will not fulfull the assignment requirements. If you think we missed something, send your order for a free revision.

Compose a draft thesis statement

Refine and polish the thesis statement

You can go to the library to read books or search online and collect information from credible sources. You can discuss the topics with your peers and teachers to have different perspectives about your topic. In order to make your writing interesting, you should develop a thesis statement that is arguable. Sometimes you will be writing to persuade others to see things your way and other times you will simply be giving your strong opinion and laying out your case for it. When you search for a subject, you'll find several essay topics for every kind of essay. Picking up the right topic from a huge list is the most daunting and challenging task. Because the essay prompt decides what impact your essay will make. Therefore, it is important to select a topic that is original, unique, fresh, and interests you the most. As you work on your thesis, remember to keep the rest of your paper in mind at all times.

Such theses prevent you from demonstrating critical thinking and analytical skills, which you want to show your instructor. If you were to write a paper around the next two statements, your writing would probably be quite dull because you would be restating facts that the general public already knows. A thesis is the result of a lengthy thinking process. Formulating a thesis is not the first thing you do after reading an essay assignment. Before you develop an argument on any topic, you have to collect and organize evidence, look for possible relationships between known facts (such as surprising contrasts or similarities), and think about the significance of these relationships. Once you do this thinking, you will probably have a working thesis that presents a basic or main idea and an argument that you think you can support with evidence. Both the argument and your thesis are likely to need adjustment along the way.

forming a thesis statement

As you work on your thesis, remember to keep the rest of your paper in mind at all times. Sometimes your thesis needs to evolve as you develop new insights, find new evidence, or take a different approach to your topic.


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