Definition and Examples of Evaluation Essays

Responsive web design examples

Some of the characters in the movie resisted interpellation in a healthy way, and some were interpellated in a healthy way, but some were also interpellated in an unhealthy way. Heimlichs following was healthy because it made him very happy to become a butterfly; Dot, Atta, and Flik were all happier after representing their individualism and gaining agency; and the colony were interpellated to such an extent that they could not function if anything changed. In the end, however, everyone recognized that change was good, because everyone started using Fliks invention and relaxing a bit morethey had no more grasshoppers to gather for, only themselves, and they had plenty of time, as Fliks invention sped up the process.

Governors School breeds a culture of inclusivity and multidimensionality, and I am transformed from girl who is hardworking or science girl to someone who indulges in the sciences, debates about psychology and the economy, and loves to swing and salsa dance. As I form a slip knot and cast on, Im at home. Despite these deeper rooted possibilities of what the book may be trying to convey, in most cases it would be considered a typical case prototype. It is built around most of the assumptions made about kids and their views of literature and of the world. Only when looked at closely does this book show any evidence of underlying meaning or issues being presented, and those clues may be simply a complete coincidence. But what is responsive web design? And what are the best examples of mobile responsive web design in practice? After watching Matt Franco perform on America's Got Talent five years ago, I was hooked on the thrill of the unexplainable in card magic. I wondered why people liked magic so much, and rather than sit and ponder, I decided to follow my curiosity into the world of magic itself.

This unconsciously shows that the United States and Britain are more important then other countries. When the main characters get to Sophies house there is a maid who is dressed up in an extremely sexy maid outfit. This is a stereotype that shows French maids are all sexy and wear skimpy clothes. The characters go showing in Paris before they go to the play, where they sing a song called Paris Holds The Key To Your Heart. During the song there show many stereotypes against the French. For example most of the people on the streets are in love and when they go into a bar, there are Can-Can dancers. Not everyone in Paris is in love or a Can-Can dancer! The lyrics for the song also confirm that all French people must be in love, Theres love in the air/ The French have it down to an art/ When your heart says dont/ The French say do! The problem with the arguement is the assumption that if the Mason River were cleaned up, that people would use it for water sports and recreation. This is not necessarily true, as people may rank water sports among their favorite recreational activities, but that does not mean that those same people have the financial ability, time or equipment to pursue those interests.

The movie gives children a template as to how good individuals should look, how they should act, and even what they should possess. Of course, the movies also give children a template for evil individuals. The template teaches children that evil individuals should look, act a certain way. It also teaches them that evil people should not possess certain items. For example, in The Little Mermaid Ariel lives in a castle, but Ursula was not even good enough to have a house. Instead she lived in a damp dreary cave. As they grew, children take these images of good and evil and adopt them as their own beliefs. Louis Althusser coined the term interpellation, the idea that as individuals we tend to accept societys norms as our own. Therefore in the beginning of the paper when I described my picture of a drug dealer in the fifth grade, it could be conjectured that I obtain those images from society, and not from reality. In reality there is no such concept as a typical drug dealer. As officer Brown stated, anyone could be a drug dealer.

He notes that the military created political restraint and promoted the interests of the business community during the takeover. This method indicates that the rule of Ali promoted Islamic politics and restricted local investments in the country.

Martinez, Luis. The Algerian Civil War, 1990-1998. New York: Columbia University Press, 2000.
Quandt, William B. Between Ballots and Bullets: Algerias Transition from Authoritarianism. Washington DC: Brooking Institution Press, 1998.
Roberts, Hugh. The Battlefield: Algeria, 1988-2002: Studies in a Broken Polity. New York: Verso, 2003.
Taylor, William C. Military Responses to the Arab Uprisings and the Future of Civil-Military Relations in the Middle East. New York: MacMillan, 2014. The story of Anastasia is about a Russian girl with Russian men, Dimirti and Vladimir. Then why doesnt Anastasia and Dimitri look Russian! Both of the main characters look more English or American then they do Russian.

  • How did you feel?
  • What did you think about the song?
  • What aspects did you like?
  • What could have been done differently?
  • Describe the aspects you didnt like.
  • Was the composer successful in what they were trying to convey?
  • Did the melody work with the lyrics?
  • Was there a disconnect anywhere?
  • Was anything about the piece unclear?

A personal response essay will ask you to give your personal insight and opinion on a given piece of content like an article, video, or book, and the most important thing to remember, the thing that students often forget, is that it has to be personal, meaning that you dont just want to summarize the content and give little insight or analysis, and you dont just want to objectively analyze it either, you want to say what you thought it meant, and its value or significance to you. To write purely subjectively is often difficult to people when writing academically, and many struggle just with knowing what to write about and where to start, but we have personal response essay examples that you can learn from. A childrens film that strongly demonstrates the concepts of being adult and child-centered and also displays agency is the 1990 movie Home Alone. This film illustrates the main character, an eight-year-old boy named Kevin McCallister, as a mischievous yet sincere child who when left alone in his house, discovers that family relationships are a crucial part of growing up. Home Alone also showcases many stereotypes of children that coincide with the typical case prototypes discussed in class. Metatextual concepts are featured in this movie as well, which help to involve the child audience.

I think that the film wants the audience to walk away with a feeling of possibility. Anything is possible. While there are several indications in the film that boys are better rescuers, and that women are just emotional and have to have the assistance of a male, I dont feel that this is the main message of the film. The characters went up against terrible odds; they faced the Horned King, and defeated him. The befriended total strangers, and in the end they won out over evil. I feel that this was the main purpose of the movie, to show that no matter what we are faced with, there is always a way. The movie explored the land of the mystical: talking creatures, winged dragons, and magic cauldrons. This excites the imagination of the audience, and makes all the little idiosyncrasies of the movie seem to fade away. One gets caught up in the film, and doesnt notice that Eilonwys dress is purple, or that Gurgi is childlike. They see interesting characters who work together to conquer a magical king and save the world.

Many of the best responses are later in the list. I continue to add to this collection as I find new examples of strong writing. As always, I will look at drafts when I can. [Please Note: Responses here are single-spaced to be read quicker. ] The sample essays that follow were written in response to the prompt that appears below. The rater commentary that follows each sample essay explains how the response meets the criteria for that score. For a more complete understanding of the criteria for each score point, see the "Analyze an Argument" Scoring Guide. Quandt also supports the military takeover in Algeria after the 1992 elections. He analyzes Algerias Islamist rule before the cancellation of the polls in 1992 by asserting that the military saved the nation from authoritarian governance. Quandts perspective denotes outright opposition of the Islamic rule that created restrictions in exercising the freedom of the citizens. According to him, the Islamists provided a hostile political and religious environment that limited the exercise of the fundamental human rights in the country.

The girls were accustomed to his ingratitude, and went on their way and did their business in town. This shows that, without their mothers advice, the girls continued to rescue the dwarf and treat him with kindness. This is an excellent example of an adult-centered trait. A. This model uses community, individual, group, and family strategies to advocate for diverse populations. One way is to include community leaders when building a collaborative model because the community leaders who have knowledge about cultural norms and cultural community resources while us with in the school would have knowledge of the students cultural identity. Also, the community leaders and families could help explain some cultural practices that we might not understand. Also, showing a leadership collaboration of people from different cultures, shows students that it is possible to work well with people who are different from us as a united front (Darling, J. My knack for translating has led me to become a real-life Korean language translator.

She ascended and obtained a human soul from entering the daughters of air. The daughters of air are portrayed to be a spiritual movement. When I read this story as a child, I can see why I related the daughters of air to heaven. For example, the narrator describes the moment as a voice of melody, yet so spiritual that no human ear could hear it, just as no earthly eye could see them. They had no wings, but their own lightness bore them up as they floated through the air (Andersen 74). Finally, by losing her life, she wins the hope of immortality because of her 300 years of good deeds. Specifically, the little mermaids decision not to kill the Prince and his new bride was what, I believe, rewarded her with an eternal soul. It is almost like viewing death as a reward in this story because she in fact did win and gain her immortal soul. Officer Brown was on to something when he stated that the media influences our opinion. It may not be obvious to children as they watch The Little Mermaid or another Disney movie, but that movie is influencing their opinion.

When writing a personal response essay you should always try and broaden the scope of your work, meaning whatever it is youre writing about, you should try and draw it out into the world and apply it to your own life, within the boundaries of personal response essay format. You should be able to relate things you read in the novel or see in the video to your own beliefs, and in the personal response essay you need to communicate this eloquently yet effectively.
Yet another image of the children, in this adult-centered text, is when they follow the directions of their mother even when she is not there. The mother has engrained the children with the importance of being kind to everyone. They show kindness to the dwarf throughout the story even though he was not nice to them. Some of the rude comments that the dwarf makes about the girls are: You stupid, inquisitive goose! Crazy blockheads! Curse these rude wretches, cutting off a piece of my splendid beard! you toadstools Couldnt you have treated me more carefully? You have torn my thin little coat all to shreds, useless, awkward hussies that you are! The girls have saved his life three times and yet the dwarf can only be ungrateful and mean to them. This does not deter the girls from their kind-heartedness and helping anyone in need.

These concepts, as well as the character of Kevin, discover the underlying meaning of the movie. I believe the center of Home Alone is the consistent change noted in Kevins behavior and attitude. He not only breaks free of the typical child roles and standards, he is able to use the thought of them to his advantage when confronted with two burglars attempting to break into his home. By Kevin saving his house, he realizes he is much older than he thinks and begins to appreciate his life and what is in it, mostly his family. This interpretation of Home Alone presents more than it just being a humorous movie about a boy and two robbers. Last, the author does not consider where these additional funds will be diverted from. The current budget situation must be assessed to determine if this increase can be afforded. In a sense, the City may not be willing to draw money away from other key projects from road improvements to schools and education. The author naively assumes that the money can simply appear without forethought on where it will come from. Taylors also discusses the threat posed by the fascistic rule by radical Islamist parties in Northern Africa. He focuses his analysis on Tunisia during the Jasmine Revolution.

As an English to Korean letter translator in a non-profit organization, Compassion, I serve as a communication bridge between benefactors and children in developing countries, who communicate through monthly letters. Ive translated hundreds of letters by researching each country to provide context that considers both cultural aspects and nuances of the language. This experience has motivated me to learn languages like Spanish and Mandarin. Ive realized that learning various languages has been a journey of self-discovery: the way I talk and interact with people changed depending on the language I used. As I get to know more about myself through different languages, I grew more confident to meet new people and build new friendships. A different way society tries to interpellate a person or a persons life is by giving them a name. By naming a person, the parent is predetermining their child to answer and identify with that name. The name Belle translates to beautiful or beauty from the French language. Yet while Belle is beautiful, she does not let her name, or its meaning, get in the way of her personality. Traditionally, an interpellated Belle would be flirtatious, using her good looks to gain social standing.

I felt that every move I made, it was a gamble between success and failure. For me, the fear of failure and disappointment far outweighed the possibility of triumph, so I took no action and chose to silently suffer under pressure. I noticed that while there is a distinction between the classes of the main characters, none of them seem to have a problem with the fact that they are from different levels of society. Eilonwy is a princess, this means that she is of royal blood, but she seems perfectly content to be friends with a pig keeper. Taran is an assistant pig keeper, who becomes the princesss rescuer. And in between these two is Fflewddur Fflam, the minstrel. Ordinarily, it would have been his job to entertain people of stature such as Eilonwy, but she never asks him to, or orders him to, or even suggests it. They see each other as people, not different occupations and places or levels in life. Their differences in status do not prevent them from befriending each other.

He notes, Apologists for the new order-a regime clearly dominated by military officers saw the army as the savior of the country, putting an end to a reckless experiment that might have allowed Islamist fascists to come to power by means of democratic elections that would never be repeated (Quandt 62). In this quote, the author notes that the military takeover offered salvation to the citizens since the Islamic rule promoted violence against the citizen. He adds that this rule was reckless since it enhanced dictatorship in the country. I believe that Quandts perspective provides a justifiable reason why the military takeover benefited Algeria and the international community. In my opinion, Quandts suggestion that the 1992 elections would never be repeated indicates that the Islamists were willing to cease power despite the irregularities witnessed during this exercise. Therefore, their quest for power and dictatorial policies created a state of anarchy in Algeria. Therefore, I support Quandts perspective that the military takeover saved Algeria from the violent rule of the Islamists. In the original Andersen story, The Little Mermaid, she does not marry the Prince, which is what seems to be what she should do. Still, she learned to love unconditionally, and did not turn into sea foam, as mermaids do.

Fluid grids, flexible images, and media queries are the three technical ingredients for responsive web design, but it also requires a different way of thinking. Rather than quarantining our content into disparate, device-specific experiences, we can use media queries to progressively enhance our work within different viewing contexts. Additionally, the author implies that residents do not use the river for swimming, boating, and fishing, despite their professed interest, because the water is polluted and smelly. While a polluted, smelly river would likely cut down on river sports, a concrete connection between the resident's lack of river use and the river's current state is not effectively made. Though there have been complaints, we do not know if there have been numerous complaints from a wide range of people, or perhaps from one or two individuals who made numerous complaints.

She is strong enough to find her father, strong enough to give her life for his, and strong enough to stand up to the Beast. By showing that each assumption is highly suspect, this essay demonstrates the weakness of the entire argument. For example, paragraph 2 points out that the survey might not have used a representative sample, might have offered limited choices, and might have contained very few questions on water sports. Like other essays, the structure of personal response essay also comprises into three major parts, but there are certain rules to write these parts and make an effective personal response essay. Lets have a look on Personal response essay structure: This insightful response identifies important assumptions and thoroughly examines their implications. The essay shows that the proposal to spend more on riverside recreational facilities rests on three questionable assumptions, namely: Below is a collection of strong (and exceptionally strong) response papers from students. All received high grades. They are good examples of insightful thinking and strong writing. I would especially encourage you to notice that most of them dont have obvious organization; most of them let their ideas develop and wander.

Building upon the implication that residents do not use the river due to the quality of the river's water and the smell, the author suggests that a river clean up will result in increased river usage. If the river's water quality and smell result from problems which can be cleaned, this may be true. For example, if the decreased water quality and aroma is caused by pollution by factories along the river, this conceivably could be remedied. But if the quality and aroma results from the natural mineral deposits in the water or surrounding rock, this may not be true. There are some bodies of water which emit a strong smell of sulphur due to the geography of the area. This is not something likely to be afffected by a clean-up. Consequently, a river clean up may have no impact upon river usage. Regardless of whether the river's quality is able to be improved or not, the author does not effectively show a connection between water quality and river usage.

To strengthen his/her argument, the author would benefit from implementing a normed survey asking a wide range of residents why they do not currently use the river. There are lots of classification and division essay examples online to give you a head start. MyPaperWriter has a great collection of classification essay examples for students who need some ideas to work with. Styled in a t-shirt, shorts, and a worn, dark green lanyard, I sprint across the quad from the elective Speaking Arabic through the Rassias Method to Knitting Nirvana. This afternoon is just one of many at Governors School East, where I have been transformed from a high school student into a philosopher, a thinker, and an avid learner. While I attend GS at Meredith College for Natural Science, the lessons learned and experiences gained extend far beyond physics concepts, serial dilutions, and toxicity. I learn to trust myself to have difficult yet necessary conversations about the political and economic climate.

Eight years later, responsive web design has reached critical mass. Its now standard practice to create a consistent, yet tailored, experience across every deviceincluding those that have yet to be released. The spreadsheet began on a typical school day when I left my physics class following the most confusing test Id taken. The idea was born spontaneously at lunch, and I asked two of my friends if they were interested in pursuing this exercise with me. We thought the practice would last only a couple of weeks or months at most, but after reaching 700 days, we now wonder if well ever stop. To this day, I ponder its full importance in my life. With every new number I enter, I recognize that each entry is not what defines me; rather, it is the ever-growing line connecting all the data points that reflects who I am today. With every valley, I force myself onward and with every mountain's peak, I recognize the valleys Ive crossed to reach the summit. Where will the Happiness Spreadsheet take me next? My diffidence was frustrating. My parents relied on me, the only one able to speak English, to guide them, and always anticipated the best from me. However, as calls for help grew, the more defunct I became.

This type of behavior would be accepted in Belles community, as other seemingly beautiful women gush and moon over Gaston, throwing themselves at him in the hopes he will throw them a bone. Bell though, almost seems unaware of her good looks. For example, while Belle walks through town, her head buried in a story, she is oblivious to all the commotion she is bringing about. One man even goes as far as to say, Now it's no wonder that her name means 'beauty' Her looks have got no parallel! As the story unfolds, she does not dress to impress anyone, and never gives the impression of caring what others think of her appearance. I believe the rose in Beauty and the Beast is a reminder of Belles inconsistence with the typical towns lady. The rose, while beautiful and seemingly fragile, has managed to live for ten years. While it is enchanted, the rose must still be protected, and is held in high regard. Belle, similarly, is beautiful and dainty, but strong. She earns respect through her decisions, and does not need to be taken care of.

According to Taylor, the military takeover of the country during the revolution changed Middle Eastern politics. He notes that the military played a significant role in the ouster of President Ben Ali, an Islamist ruler who perpetuated violence in the country. According to him, While many have applauded the Tunisian army as an exemplar of military subordination to democratic values, a closer examination of Tunisian civil-military relations will reveal that the militarys response was more than simple heroics. This quote indicates that Alis rules was non-democratic and promoted violence in Tunisia. Moreover, it suggests that the army saved the citizens from the negative consequences of the dictatorship rule during President Alis reign. Therefore, I support Taylors perspective in analyzing the state of dictatorship rule in Tunisia. His analysis is credible since he provides various examples in his text to show that the rule was dictatorial. Moreover, Taylors analysis is factual since he mentions the events that led to the military takeover from Alis presidency. Taylors analysis also provides information about the technique employed by the military to help the citizens during the takeover. He says that the military made a calculated decision to support the people based upon corporate interests and political restraints (Taylor 57).

Tips for Writing a Response Essay

An unusual obsession with fashion and clothing. Watching Game of Thrones not for Daenerys or Cersei, but for Jon Snow and Jamie. Seeing Love Simon for the first time, and crying at least five times. Always conscious always thinking before talking. Going to an all-boys school. Dealing with gay being to go to expression for displeasure. Being called a faggot when I act gay. Fear of my parents finding out.

Boy Meets World episode 1-6 Boys II Mensa, is didactic in the sense that we learn a lesson from the experiences and mistakes of young Cory Matthews. From the opening scene through the end of the show the viewer witnesses Corys attempts to please and impress the adults in his life. His admiration of grown-ups, along with his characters portrayal of the stereotypical imperfect child, makes this a very adult-centered text.


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