Students Research Paper Outline
Van Gogh Museum. Van Gogh is one of my favorite artists and Im grateful I got to spend a few hours witnessing how his career came together and his life fell apart. One of the best museums Ive ever been to. For a project called Social Decay, Andrei Lacatusu imagines what it would look like if big social media companies were brick & mortar and went the way of Blockbuster, Woolworths, and strip malls across America. These are really well donecheck out the close-up views on Behance. At once, I saw the whole panorama of U.K.s life as a gaucho in Patagonia, a stevedore in Marseilles, a safari leader in Kenya, a light-heavyweight prizefighter in Chicago, and the abbot of a Coptic monastery in Algeria. What Ong helped conceptualize and popularize, especially in his book Orality and Literacy, was that in cultures with no tradition of literacy, orality had a fundamentally different character from those where literacy was dominant. Its different again in cultures where literacy is known but scarce.
At the same time thatrecord high temperatures being set in so much of theUS, snow ismiraculously falling in other parts of the lower 48 states. Snowis occurring (dueto chemical ice nucleating elements) in some locations in spite of above freezing temperatures and in spite ofwarmer flows of moisture off of the record warm Pacific Ocean. Snow (shown in blue on the map below) is cleary showing up across the Western US. We set the standard Camera App to Pano Mode and flew for 2-7 minutes at 220+ Knots on a perfectly straight line and we witnessed the iPhone effectively paint the landscape like a roller brush. It produced a stunningly high quality image that Id never before seen before from any smartphone! The fire had grown from 75 square kilometres Tuesday to more than 2,000 square kilometres an area the size of Mexico City officials confirmed Saturday, and surrounded the city on its west and southern edges. Books. I dont know how many books I read this year, but it was fewer than I wanted. My work demands a lot of reading online, so when Ive finished with that most days, reading for leisure or enrichment is often not enticing.
The main purpose of making a rough draft is to organize your information and help you in forming your final paper. Afterward, review and edit your draft as many times as necessary. An Echo or an iPhone is not a friend, and it is not a pet. It is an alarm clock that plays video games. It has no sentience. It has no personality. Its a string of canned phrases that cant understand what Im saying unless Im talking to it like Im typing on the command line. Its not genuinely interactive or conversational. Its name isnt really a name so much as an opening command phrase. You could call one of these virtual assistants sudo and it would make about as much sense. Isaacson argues that Leonardos observational powers were not innate and that with sufficient practice, we can all observe as he did. People talk in a precious way about genius, creativity, and curiosity as superpowers that people are born with but noticing is a more humble pursuit. Noticing is something we can all do. I got a sneak peek at the first few episodes of Blue Planet II, and it certainly is a great program. I watched it with my kids and they were riveted the entire time. After the fourth or fifth episode, my son said, I think I like this better than Planet Earth II.
Printable Research Paper Outline
5th grade research paper outline - This bent my brain a little: if you re-tune Nirvanas Smells Like Teen Spirit in a major key, it sounds like an upbeat pop-punk song. Like, Kurt Cobain actually sounds happy when he says oh yeah, I guess it makes me smile and the pre-chorus Hello, hello, hello, how low is downright joyous. Although I guess it shouldnt be super surprisingin a 1994 interview with Rolling Stone, Cobain admits that the song was meant to be poppy.
In this video from the New Yorker, chess granmaster Garry Kasparov talks through his four most memorable chess games: two against Anatoly Karpov, one against Viswanathan Anand, and the final game in his rematch against Deep Blue, in which he gets wrong-footed by a move that the computer didnt know how to make. Even if youre not a huge fan of chess, its instructive to hear Kasparov talk about the importance of whats happening not on the board things like body language and confidence. In 2014, it was easier to believe in the future. For The Future Library, an art project by Katie Paterson, a thousand trees were planted. In a century, the trees will become part of an anthology of books, written by Margaret Atwood and David Mitchell, among others. Verena is an iOS app designed to protect and help guide you through situations like domestic violence, hate crimes, abuse, and bullying. The app was developed with the LGBTQ+ community in mind, but can be used by anyone facing abuse or harassment. You may start by constructing a research paper outline which we discussed earlier and follow it by writing a rough draft. Remember, there is no need to be perfect right away.
Quick reviews of some things Ive read, seen, heard, and experienced in the past month or so. I worked so much in January, mostly on getting the Noticing newsletter launched, that by the time the evening rolled around, all I wanted to do was collapse and watch a little TV or maybe go to a movie (Ive seen all the Oscar Best Picture nominees this year). But I still managed to read a couple books and am currently working my way through two more: Emily Wilsons translation of The Odyssey and Charles Manns The Wizard and the Prophet. When I watch other people drive, Im amazed at how many of them dont take the time to look around the pillar in the front of the carits such a massive blind spot. I dont know if its all the driving in NYC the right pillar perfectly obscures pedestrians stepping off the curb on a right turn but I always check that blind spot. And a related tip for pedestrians: if you cant see a drivers eyes, they might not be able to see you. Thechemical ice nucleation process can and often does turn what should be a liquid precipitation eventinto a frozen precipitation event. This amounts to engineering winter in some regions at the expense of drying and heatingother regions. has consistently covered the "engineered winter" geoengineering scenarios, a part of this scenario involves incinerating the US West under the high artificially created high pressure heat dome. Wong Howe pioneered the wide-angle lens, low key lighting (which earned him the nickname Low Key Howe), and deep focus. He was also one of the first cameramen to ever use a hand-held camera. But he also had some unusual approaches to the new technology of film.