Global Politics Essay Topics to Write About
PLSC 22505. Knowledge and Politics. 100 Units.
What is the relationship between knowledge and power, and between
science and democracy? What kinds of knowledge are needed in
politics, and who needs to know what? In this course we read a
number of philosophers, theorists, and social scientists
interested in the relationship between knowledge and politics.
Topics covered may include: the epistemic properties of political
institutions and markets; the role of expertise in politics;
values in science and public policy; and theories of epistemic
democracy and epistemic injustice.
Instructor(s): M. Landauer Terms Offered: Winter
Equivalent Course(s): PLSC 42502 PLSC 26205. American Political
Economy and Race. 100 Units.
This course will explore how individual or group identity and
social location is understood in economics. Specifically, we will
use a political economy framework, which emerges from the premise
that economic life has material, cultural, and political
dimensions and that an individuals (or groups) identity or social
locatione.g., race, gender, and classmay constrain or empower
agents in their participation in economic and political life. The
readings will draw from diverse disciplines including political
science, economics, and sociology and will focus primarily on the
intersection of race and class.
Instructor(s): P. Posey Terms Offered: Winter PLSC 28602.
American National Security Strategy. 100 Units.
This course surveys contemporary National Security Strategy
around the world, focusing on the most urgent and important
issues of the U.S. national security agenda. The purpose of the
course is to help students better understand how the U.S.
formulates national security strategy, key debates over how the
U.S. should handle contemporary challenges, and provide important
conceptual frameworks that will enable students to grapple with
the security challenges of the decade ahead. The course covers
recent changes in American grand strategy, nuclear policy, and
the use of conventional forces in contemporary conflicts.
Instructor(s): R. Pape Terms Offered: Spring
Equivalent Course(s): PLSC 38602
Comparative politics essay topics - PLSC53000. Seminar on Great Power Politics. 100 Units.
The aim of this course is to explore some of the key questions concerning relations among the great powers.
Instructor(s): J. MearsheimerTerms Offered: Winter
American Politics Essay Topics
Comparative Politics Essay Topics - PLSC28701. Introduction to Political Theory. 100 Units.
This course provides an introduction to political theory that focuses upon the interrelated themes of inhumanity, injustice, and inequality in the history of political thought and contemporary political theory.
Instructor(s): M. LandauerTerms Offered: Spring
The region wasnt prepared for the disaster, though meteorologists
notified about the tragedy in advance and federal authorities
were acknowledged with the possible consequences of the tragedy.
Its evident that the reaction of the government was too slow and
ineffective. President has made an official statement more than
one day after the tragedy. The National Guard and Army didnt
arrive in time to save people and maintain order. Innocent people
who suffered in New Orleans and other citizens ask the government
many questions after the tragedy. The popularity of president
Bush has reached the lowest point during the whole period of his
presidency. The terrible consequences of the tragedy show the
poor work of the whole political system of the country, unmatched
actions of the different institutions and indifference of the
higher officials in the tragedy of ordinary people. PLSC 31101.
Computational Tools for Social Science. 100 Units.
The purpose of this course is to provide graduate students with
the critical technical skills necessary to conduct research in
quantitative / computational social science. This course is not
an introduction to statistics, computer science, or specialized
social science methods.
If there is one theme that runs through the works of Horwitz (1975), Hoeflich (1986), and Chafee (1947), it is that the law has become elitist, leaving the common person with minimal input. This article arrives at the same outcome, but the explanation comes from moral/philosophical changes. Since this is likely to be the first introduction to Austrian economics for many people, I am taking it upon myself to release a study guide of sorts for this interview. Here I will give citations, references, and other explanations for that may have gone by too quickly for the audience. Murphy mentions the some people think government should provide courts and security. Murphy himself as a short monograph where he argues that the government does not need to provide security. SeeChaos Theory. Austrian economist Tate Fegley has writtenmore on private policingin recent years. Murphy mentions that Mises was a rationalist and Hayek was more evolutionary. Here is Mises defendingrationalism. Hayeks evolutionary view of social structures is based on the idea of spontaneous order: that which is the product of human action but not design. Here is avideo of Hayekdiscussing his views.
The major course requirement will be a research paper based on
both primary and secondary sources.
Instructor(s): P. Conley Terms Offered: Winter
Prerequisite(s): PLSC 28801 Introduction to American Politics,
PLSC 22913 The Practice of Social Science Research, and consent
of instructor. Juries can be seen as councils since their advice
is valuable for judges/elites9 to hear in reaching a just
decision. Further, juries improve the decisions made. The
Condorcet jury theorem suggests that the median opinion tends to
be accurate over extreme opinions (Mueller 2003, 128). On the
issue of whether laws are just or not, if the majority of juries
rule against a law, for example, the information coming from
juries is that the law is unjust. Peterson says that thought is a
labour multiplier. Here is Mises on therole of ideasin
determining action and society. More pertinently, here is also
Mises on therole of the creative genius. An excerpt: PLSC 29103.
Game Theory II. 100 Units.
This course introduces students to games of incomplete
information and several advanced topics through solving problem
Rather, the focus will be on practical skills necessary to be
successful in further methods work. The first portion of the
class introduces students to basic computer literacy,
terminologies, and programming languages, covering Bash, R, and
Git. The second part of the course provides students the
opportunity to use the skills they learned in part 1 towards
practical applications such as webscraping, data collection
through APIs, automated text analysis, etc. We will assume no
prior experience with programming or computer science.
Instructor(s): R. Terman Terms Offered: Autumn PLSC 28101. Topics
in American Political Development. 100 Units.
This seminar will focus on the historical development of the
American presidency. We will view the institution of the
presidency through its changing relationship with Congress and
the courts (separation of powers, checks and balances); the
evolution of foreign policy, beginning with the expansion of US
territory and removal of indigenous peoples; and the growth of
the executive branch bureaucracy. This course is intended for
sophomore and junior political science majors who want to fulfill
their long paper requirement or gain more research and writing
experience before undertaking a BA thesis.
He went into these issues more comprehensively in the first two volumes ofLaw, Legislation, and Liberty. Austrian economist Joseph Salerno compares and contrasts these two viewsin an essay here. Much of this shift toward elite control and direction of law occurred when the Blackstonian type of understanding of the origin of law was replaced by a Darwinian understanding of law. The Darwinian idea of evolution through natural selection had an impact beyond the biological sciences. Charles Darwins successors brought the Darwinian method into the social sciences and the law. Mises grounds his balance-of-payments analysis on the insight that the balance of payments is a monetary concept. He states that, "If no other relations than those of barter exist between the inhabitants of two areas, then balances in favor of one party or the other cannot arise. "3 Mises thus conceives of money as the active element in the balance of payments and not as a residual or accommodating item that passively adjusts to the "real" flows of goods and capital: 2. Political System.
What is the political system idea about? How does Hurricane
Katrina's outcome illustrate the working and the non-working of
the political system?
Political system is usually defined as a social system of
politics and government peculiar to a certain country. Usually it
is defined in contrast to law, economic and cultural systems of
the country.
Political system is usually composed of the members of social
group, which is in power. Political system defines the way the
government rules people accomplishing its governing policy.
Usually its a system, which owns a political monopoly on the
legitimate system.
Political system consists of two independent components and
boundaries towards the environment. Two main components of each
political system are citizens of the country and its government.
Boundaries, which define the political system, are citizenship,
territory and property.
Political system was designed as a way not only to rule people,
but also to take responsibilities for citizens. It becomes more
and more evident with the flow of time that political systems are
not always perfect and not always manage to perform their main
functions. New Orleans tragedy is a bright example of
administration mismanagement.
Inner social and economic tensions have led to drastic changes in Americas political climate. The divide between Democrats and Republicans grows more resonant by the minute. What is your opinion on these developments? Have a closer look at it with one of our engaging topics: The mobility of capital goods, which nowadays is but little restricted by legislative provisions such as customs duties, or by other obstacles, has led to the formation of a homogeneous world capital market. In the loan markets of the countries that take part in international trade, the net rate of interest is no longer determined according to national, but according to international, considerations. Its level is settled, not by the natural rate of interest in the country, but by the natural rate of interest anywhere. So long and in so far as a nation participates in international trade, its market is only a part of the world market; prices are determined not nationally but [T]here proceeded during the 19th century, under the influence of the evolutionary concept, a thoroughgoing transformation of older studies like History, Law and Political Economy; and the creation of new ones like Anthropology, Social Psychology, Comparative Religion, Criminology, Social Geography. (Branford 1949, 912)